so many things to do- 25

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Yvette's pov

Yesterday, we ended Heeler's life by execution and we just left Heather and Jack's punishment.

Evan, I saw was spending the whole of last night planning out stuff with the help of Danielle and my parents. The rest of us we agreed we wanted to see for ourselves. Wow, I really sound sadistic, excited for their punishment.

"Hello all, welcome back. After Heeler, we have two of our most trusted people who betrayed us. About Natasha and Harold, they have gone multiple tests and truth detector, aka Isabelle and glad that they were telling the truth.

Now, as to why they were portrayed such that they betrayed the pack was because they had overheard Heather and Jack talking about the mysterious person, claiming they would get money from this person so Natasha and Harold has a plan and pretended to be part of the little group to expose them.

I would like to thank Natasha and Harold for helping out and Natasha would be promoted to temporary alpha and Harold, temporary beta when we are busy like usual. As for gamma and delta, I would like anyone who would like to try come to the training grounds Saturday at 4pm. From then we would decide" Evan said, taking a look at the paper a few times.

"Now, we are starting to conduct the punishment. We pulled up their contract of trust and respect, so we will first be burning it, causing a sharp pain to their chest" Evan started off explaining.

"Next, we would get them to sign one more contract and it is powerful, more powerful than the first one. If you were to go against it, death would happen.

The new contract is a blood oath which is very powerful, with thanks to Timothy, Ariel, Xander and Jaelyn. They have made it such that it is irreversible so if they wanted to reverse it, you CAN'T.

Bring them out" Evan bellowed as the guards pushed them out. Their clothes were tattered and torn, faces were filled with blood as chains surrounded them.

Danielle did the honors of burning of the contrast for trust and respect. Heather and Jack has the same look of pain etched on the faces. Their faces were scrunched up for a few agonizing minutes before regaining their normal looks.

"Now, Heather and Jack would be singing the blood oath and it shall commence now!" Danielle yelled in a strict tone.

Heather and Jack were scared out of their wits. I could tell from their pale lips, shaky hands and little beads of sweat dripped down their foreheads. They had no choice whether they wanted or not so too bad for them, I guess.

They cut a portion of their finger and a little blood oozed out. Their blood seeped through the paper as they had tingles circulating their bodies before in a way 'returning' back to their bodies.

"In case you are wondering, the blood contract is written as this:
If they were to disobey the following rules, death will be as follows
1. No betraying the pack AGAIN
2. Chores would have a special twist to it
3. Sleeping, eating and showering, etc., would be in the cells for a week and changed into a room heavily guarded (if all goes well)
4. No disrespecting any pack members
5. No slacking of chores
6. No running away from pack
7. Don't even attempt to kill anyone
8. Guards would follow them every where till further notice

Breaking any of the rules will not only have death, slow and painful specifically, you would be sent to the moon goddess for further punishment.

Now that that's out of the way, we will proceed on with the next part" Evan introduces us the contact.

"Let me explain the chores part in the contract. They would be doing those odd chores like weeding, planting, cleaning cells, mostly would be in the sun. And everyday you would both do together to get it done and you would have cleared the chore for that day. You are able to return to your room to do what you want.

The twist is that you would, for example, you would only have to do the chore with only one hand" He explained as I laughed internally. Not gonna lie, my kind of weird ass humor.

"As for the 'treated like animals' part, we have decided to lessen it since they didn't exactly tell information to Heeler so we will just let it slide." I could see the relief flooding their faces as the guards escorted them back to where we were at.

"But just for the fun of it, if you want to know, what would happen if you actually betray our pack is that first the same few things with like what we did with them. And, we would than send you to the next powerful pack after us, Grace Night pack. They have physical training for you to do which will tire you easily. Don't worry, we don't kill you, just want you to experience the struggles" Evan ended off. I craned my neck to see them shaking with fear.

Well if I were in the same shoes as them, feelings mutual too.

"Oh ya, one more thing, Dark Light pack is coming later at 4pm and staying till next morning. And we have sent guards from palace to watch them if there are any suspicious activity" Oh ya the guards, I thought to myself as Banner added on as he stood on the stage.

The guards were the rouges who I found lurking and tested by Isabelle were all okay and passed the test. Their main jobs was to keep the premises clean and alert if there are any suspicious looking people or items.

I have managed to recruit twenty five rouges. Ten of them were at Dark Light pack and would be there for awhile till further notice.

They were trained based on their capabilities and brought around the place for them to familiarize so they would know where.

"Alpha, Dark Light pack has arrived" Banner bowed down showing respect to higher ranking wolves. Just a fact!! Jace, Greg and Hugo were having a break to take care of their mates since they were nearer to their due date.

"Let then in! All guards, from palace or not, escort them into their rooms.

Nolan's pov

We have just reached our rooms and we wanted to get started on our schemes. Hannah had been pestering me about sexy times but now is not the time. I mean we have a god damm 'king' and 'queen' to take down and the minions of them plus the whole damm pack.

We decided to do the flirting plan first seeing it was the most feasible. But before that, we, aka Benjamin, Killian, Sierra, Grace, Hannah and I   wanted to come up with other plans that would be back up if the plans failed. The thing was we had to work fast, if not we would not have the chance to put our plans into action.

As we discussed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride filing my body. I knew it would succeed.

Third person's pov

Little did they know, they had not closed the door fully on accident so Tyler heard it and recorded the whole conversation for everyone to hear it. Now, Tyler had a plan to get back at them. He smirked as many ideas came rushing to him. This was going to be fun when I tell the others, he thought as his wolf agreed too.
hey angels!! new chapter is up! sorry for the long wait but it's here!
pS. pregnancies!!
lots of love 💓 and have a great day 🤩

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