uh oh...- 31

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Nolan's pov

We had to find an opportunity to get the potion drunk by Yvette. We thought all morning and night, having plans a to z. Definitely we would succeed.

Since next week we would be going to their pack, we were well all well prepared and everyone, and by everyone, Hannah, Winter siblings and myself. I sniggered, chuckling at the thought of next week's plan...

Yvette's pov

After trying to figure it out, we gave up since next week they would be coming anyways. Today was a Monday and I had a couple of things to do. First being Hailey's sleepover. I went over and realized the kids were just one of our pack members in Royal Moon so it was fine.

Hailey was bouncing with joy since this would be her first sleepover. I mean I would if it was my first sleepover.

Second, on Wednesday, supernatural meeting would be happening and we had just finalized the details. The meeting again would be held here since we had quite a lot of changes. Food had to be prepared but it was easy since the last time they enjoyed the food we prepared and they were happy with it.

Also, though Natasha, Harold, Nelson and Flora were already running, we wanted to hold a proper ceremony to promote them. Although it was handled to them, it didn't feel proper which was why they were holding it today.

Tomorrow would be a busy day for us.


A few hours passed and it was 4pm and we would be handing over, hmm well them since they technically were the ones who held the roles before them.

"Hello all! So it's been a while but today we are doing some promotions, a proper one! Now I'll pass on to the people there who are eagerly waiting to speak" I ended off and chuckles could be heard.

"Hello, just want to say it's been a great time leading this pack but changes and improvements needs to be made. But it's still fun and ya so I'll promote Natasha to the Alpha of the Royal Moon pack!" Evan exclaimed.

Each of the guys took turns to speak and the girls each gave kinda like a farewell speech. It was heartwarming to see that.

Right after that, food was served and we all enjoyed it. How was it served? Well thanks to Heather and Jack. Bet you forgot about them didn't you? :)

Everything was great and we all had fun. Tomorrow and Wednesday sure would be two hectic days.


It's the day of their arrival. The first half of yesterday was chaotic. Everyone of us was doing some sort of work. The sad thing was both parents would be moving to the new house tomorrow. It was a unanimous decision and thus decided to stay together.

Ding dong! The bell rang. Upon hearing the bell we all stood in position and saw the witches. One by one they all arrived and soon the table was filled. Same thing, they settled down for awhile before we ate.

"Hi! It's been a while. So this the new pack, Evan, Danielle, Banner, Isabelle, Faith, Jace, Greg, Jade, Hugo and Hazel" Tyler explained as he pointed to each one and did a simple wave.

"You can get to know one another later at the conference rooms" They were only staying in for one day since it was just getting to know the new changes.


Before the supernaturals left, we decided to ask the fellow witches on the potion. It wasn't very clear but maybe they would have an idea.

"Hey Lucinda and Mary, could you help us see if you know what is this potion?" I asked, praying that they knew.

"Hmm, let me take a look" Lucinda eyed the videos, replaying multiple times before arriving to a conclusion.

"I'm quite sure it's a love potion, to make one fall in love with another. And that witch is from my world. This is terrible! I will have to speak to her" Lucinda explained.

"Thank you!" Tyler said as Lucinda acknowledged before they went back to their world.

Well we all know he's up to no good" Jade said. "But what we didn't know is a love potion?" Isabelle questioned. Well we could reverse magic and technically a potion is magic so we'll see.

"So do you want to-" Jade was interrupted.

"Your highness" The guard appeared which shocked us, "Nolan, Hannah and the Winter siblings have arrived and asked for your presence"

What on earth could they be up to?

Nolan's pov

Yes I said next week but we couldn't wait, hmm well I couldn't so we decided to pay them a visit and get Yvette to drink the potion. This was going to be fun, I thought.
hey angels! i'm back again with another chapter. i'm sorry this is bad and short but it was the best i could! :(  hope you all are doing well! we are coming down to the last few chapters!! can't believe it's been about 4 months since i started this book!

i actually have lots of drafts of new books to come and do let me know which would you want to publish first:

there are more but this two are the ones i want to write about! please do help a gal out!
lots of love 💓 and have a great day 🤩

-793 words-

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