i'm nervous- 27

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Yvette's pov

After that Nolan incident, Tyler and I went back to the room but I ran down again to make two grilled cheese sandwiches and a cup of water for Hailey when she wakes up later. Today we were doing back to our place since we would be meeting all the supernatural rulers tomorrow.

I am pretty pumped to meet them all. There will be vampires, fairies, sirens, angels, devils, witches, elf's and lastly shifters. For the sake of me being the first and newest ruler, the meeting would be held at ours. From tomorrow morning to night, we would be meeting and talking about our practices in the places we ruled. My parents had been briefing me on what to do, expect from them, etiquettes, etc.

We had to set up the venues and guest rooms. They would be in the guest rooms at the third level for a day. We have gotten some of the  maids to help us with escorting them into their respective rooms tomorrow.

Now that that was cleared, we had another situation. Food. Accommodating to eight hungry ass, most of them and had different preferences. Vampires were simple. Just a steak and a cup of blood.

Fairies were given a desert platter. They were known for their sweet tooth. Milk, cream and honey are main components in their meals for the two days.

As for sirens, they well didn't need to seat. Like come on! It's food but I wonder how they get their energy. Singing makes me hungry but not for them I guess.

The next were angels. They didn't eat what you called was human food. To date, no one actually knows what they eat. It is just known that they eat.  

Now the devils. Hmm apparently they like to eat insects so what we decided to do was to find some insects at our garden there and kill it for them to eat. 'It is better when it's dead' I quote. The devils are actually pretty cool people from the phone call I had with them. They sounded like a normal human being, not the weird voice.

Witches. They looked fine. Not like the decay tooth, bad acne, greasy and thin hair and long and brittle nails. Good. At least they knew how to take care of their bodies.

Hmm, elf's. Again a sweet tooth. Their four main food groups being candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup. Pies and cakes were also tantalizing to them.

Lastly, we have the shifters. They can eat anything so we planned to make them chicken chop.

Glad that we got that out of the way. Last bit not least, it's to kind of decorate the conference room to welcome them.

Googling on my phone as fast as light, I surfed the web and found a very modern and appropriate decoration for the conference room. It was just simple bookshelves, carpet and some chairs. Then there was the star of the show- the conference table. It was just a very simple table but we added our own personal touch to it. A vase was set in the middle and the chairs could roll round and it was black.

To finish it off, we added the documents on each table and placed the name tags Tyler's parents made earlier on today.

At last, we could go to bed with a more relaxed mind but the thought still lingered. What were they going to be like? I thought to myself before falling asleep.


Butterflies filled my stomach as I stood at the front of the large and pristine doors. Tyler held onto my hand for support and encouragement. Even Hailey was chill, just playing with her sponge bob stuffed toy.

The bell rang, indicating the arrival of the first guest. The witches. Looked great with multiple layers of black cloth covering them. "Lucinda Jones and Mary Anne" They introduced themselves.

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