shopping and training- 5

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Yvette's pov

It was an activity I hated. Waking around caring bags of things you bought for fun does not sound appealing. But like I said before, online shopping is cooler.

Since I was the first one to wake up, I decided to do the classic pouring water method. Filling up four cups of water, I did Jade and Danielle first and then quickly grabbed the other two and poured on Faith and Isabelle.

"AHHHHH!" The four of shrieked as the water came in contact to their face.

"AHAHAHA!" I howled. Four playful set of glares faced me as I was laughing. My laugh was so loud that the boys came running in.

"What happened? Stay back" Evan yelled. Jace was holding a book and swatting it around, Greg was in a karate pose and Banner was holding a spatula, as if he was dancing. And they all had bed hair and in pajamas, causing me and the girls to crack up.

"You- look- AHAHAHA" We tried explaining when they had a questionable look but clearly we couldn't.

"Look at yourself" I managed to squeeze those words before rolling on the floor dissolving into laughters. They took a look and all four of their faces were scarlet and left the room embarrassed. It took us about five minutes for us to stop laughing and get ready.

I rummaged in my closet and pulled out a comfy outfits, consisting of white crop top with my grey sweats with some wording and just did a messy bun while the girls went back to their respective rooms. Jade came back to my room first wearing a black dress with a necklace and also curled her hair. Faith later strolled into my room with a white long sleeve top with a black romper with her hair in a simple ponytail. Isabelle later than strutted in a white loose long sleeve top with demin shorts with a hat. Lastly, Danielle did a mini fashion show, spinning around, showing us her perfect hair with a head bands, a black crop top with a plaid mini skirt and a belt. She looked hot. Well, safe to say I look the sloppiest.

^ Outfits

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^ Outfits

"Shopping time!" Faith exclaimed, grabbing my arm. Well that was unexpected. She's always so quiet.

Along the way, we chatted, sang along with the radio. It was fun. Soon, we reached. Since Isabelle drove, she told us to get off while she finds a parking lot.

"Let's go!" Jade yells, causing many people to look towards our direction. Though this is a pack mall and everyone knew and respected her, she still blushed furiously while we laughed at her antics. Within five minutes, Isabelle joined us again and off we go. We went to shops like Zara, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Top shop and even home decor shops since they say they will 'spice up' my room.

5 hours later...

We were finally done with the whole trip. I was glad. Five hours of shopping is really no joke. Anyways, we returned back to the pack house and ate dinner. After that, the girls helped me put the clothes into my closet and it was now half full. Before that, there were barley a few clothing. Some of the clothes I had stole from my sister's. Sighing in content, I wrote in my journal. Recently, I started on it to remind to be grateful and not lose my temper easily. It helped me a lot with coping my emotions. Once that was done, I got ready for bed and fell asleep.


Yvette's pov

Today was the start of the royal wolf training. Choosing a monochromatic outfit, I then did my hair and makeup. Most of my bruises usually just fade away but some were still lingering so I just lightly applied it.

Walking down the stairs, I was greeted by many pack members. As I reached the kitchen, the inviting smell of sausage and eggs beckoned me, like it was a trap.

"Omg! I love you!" I exclaimed as I saw a plate of sausage, eggs and hash browns. The couples chortled at my silliness as I dug into the gourmet dish. As if like I was an inhaler, the plate was empty within seconds.

"Now that you have eaten, time for training!" Evan chirped as he dragged me to the training room.

It was enormous. Punching bags surrounded the room and there were boxing rings, training area, obstacles and a station for weapons. I had not realized but there were two stories of similar layout and three floors of just weapons. Basically this whole building is solely just for training.

"You will be trained personally by Zach, our head warrior and myself. Most of the time it would be Zach but once in a while I'll pop in" Evan explained.

"Alpha" A deep voice sounded from behind. Turning around, it was a man with brown hair.

"Tyler how many times do I have to tell you to call me Evan?" Evan said, glaring playfully at him while Tyler just shrugged.

"Anyways here is Yvette" He states, pointing to me, "Please help me personally train her"

"With pleasure" He responded before turning his body to face me. " Tyler Woods" He told he while extending his hand.

"Yvette Winters" I said as I shook his hand.

"I'll leave you to it so byee" Evan commented in a sing-song like voice before walking away.

"First, since we are starting we are going to test our fitness level" He starts off and then proceeds to show me to do certain exercises while he demonstrated. I wasn't that good but not the worst.

"Not bad. We train you on physical strength soon. 7am here again tomorrow" He told me before stalking off. Welp. Did my nightly routine and fell asleep.
hey angels! new chapter. little of training, more filler but it's cool.
pS. training and decorations, welcoming ceremony
hope you have a great day and
don't forget to smile :)

-962 words-

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