Chapter 12

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Shadow P.O.V

"Hello Johnny Boy"

I could see his eyes hardened as he looked at me

"S-Shadow. What happened to her... To You?"

"That man... As crazy as he was, taught me how to take control while she is in a weakened state. He gave me a chance to finally be free" I smiled as I walked over to the mirror watching his every move in the reflection.

"At what cost to her?" He growled I laughed dryly.

"You think I would let anything happen?!" I hissed Turing to face him "Without her I wouldn't even be, you know that just as well as I do. But being kept in that cage for so long... It was a nice change to be free" I could see a flicked of scarecrow in his eyes as I spoke. He turned away from me and began to leave the room.

"At least somebody understands me" His step falters slightly as he slams the door. I walk over to the bed and lay down.

Until next time scarecrow

Hayley POV

I wake up stretching out my limbs. I looked in my mirror at what I had become. In the matter of months, I went from a small, weak pushover to a hot headed, confident psychopath. Brushing through my tangle hair sigh before leaving my room.

"Morning Doc" I say to John as he walks out his room with a rucksack. He smiles at me before leaving through the back door. You would think that now we both know our feelings for each other it would make me happy... But truth be told it scares me. After shadow turning on me once, I don't know if she ever would again let alone the damage she will cause.

Hello! You know I can hear you right... Anyway... I admit I made a mistake, I ...

HA! SEE YOU MADE A MISTAKE! How do I know that you won't make it again shadow? How could I trust you after you did that?!

You know I am TECHNICALLY you right? So, you turned against yourself...

I... Oh, Shut up!

I walk into the main room and see Harley Red and Selina sat on the sofa. I walk over to them and see that Red and Selina are comforting Harley.

"Whassup?" I see the girls jump then suddenly I'm being squished by Harley.

"Hayley! I wa so worried bout ya! I'm so happy Mistah J and Eddie found ya!" She cried into my shoulder. I sat us down on the sofa.

"I'm okay. I'm right here" I tell her. She sniffs and looks at me.

"Aftah I found out 'bout you and Paa... I couldn't loose ya again Hay-Hay" I nod giving her a big hug.

"She damn well almost killed Johnathan when you disappeared" Selina muttered

"Tore him a new one for sure" Red agreed. I laughed and looked at a guilty Harley.

"Hey Harls. Did you ever finish my outfit?" She gasped and ran out of the room.

"Ill take that as a yes then." She came back in with a clothes cover.

"It's very different to ya design but a lot more practical!" She told me. I felt somebody cover my eyes and the sound of a zip opening.

"One, Two..."

"THREE" They all cheered. When my eyes were und=covered I could se e a gorgeous brown leather jacket with buckles and a pair of black trousers with a holster for guns or knives.

"I Love it! Thank you Harls! I'm goanna try it on!" The girls smiled at me as I ran out into my room.

Looking in the mirror at the outfit together I love it even more. I ran into the main room to show the girls.

"Who wants to go out and help me show off this beaut?" I ask with my hands on my hips. The girls' smirk and go to get ready.

Watch Out Gotham... I'm coming for ya.

We both are

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