Chapter 13

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We both Are

In the garage was a brand-new bike a Kawasaki Ninja H2. I made a beeline straight towards the bike admiring the craftsmanship, a smile on my face.

"Thought you might like that" Red said smiling over at me. "Johnny boy thought so too... He got this for you-you know"

"He What?" I was in complete shock. She smiled at me and went over to the van with the girls.

I jumped on the bike and revved up the engine to let them know I was ready to go. The garage door opened, and I zoomed out ahead of the girls. It felt so good to finally be back on the road and this time I won't leave this beast behind.

There is no better feeling than the wind flowing through you hair as you fly around Gotham. Checking my mirrors, I can see the girls not too far behind me as we head to the bank on the east end of Gotham.

Once we arrived, I hid my bike around an ally close to the bank for a quick escape.

Shadow are you ready for this? I need you to help me change my appearance

Of course, I am. Let's go have some fun!

I laugh and walk up to the girls.

"Dayum what happened to you?! Shadow looks different." Selina said giving an approving nod. I cock my head to the side

"Thank you, mamma," Shadow said. I'll have to see what they are talking about later.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask

"Head in and fuck some shit up. Grab some cash and run" Red said. I nod.

"Let's go then" We head in the bank making sure to avoid showing our faces to the camera. I walk up to the first cashier open and smile at her.

"Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" She asks sweetly. I pull out a revolver Harl's gave me and pointed it at her discreetly.

"I would like to make a withdrawal, please. And if you try anything, I will end you" I hiss at her. She nods and begins to empty out her cash tray.

"Pst. Lady in the back has sussed us out" Red tells me.

"Ah Fuck it!" I fire my gun into the air making everybody freeze. "Anybody moved and I will fire. I'm trigger happy" I laugh pointing it at the lady in the back. "YOU! C'mere now" The lady slowly walks over. I can see the girls getting the people to hand over their money. Take me to the safe and empty it" She nods and takes me to the back. I check all the alarm lights to make sure nobody has been called. All were clear and I almost walked passed without a hitch until I saw a small red flash.


"Girls They called the police" I shout hitting the woman on the head knocking her out. I run to the front of the shop just as Batman came through the roof the bank.

"Hello, Bat! How ya doin'?!" I cackle. He turns to face me.


"Ya?" Harley and I say giggling as he starts to strut towards me.

"Awh what's the matter Bat, surprised to see me?" I asked cocking my head to the side before running at him to throw a punch. He blocks it quickly and grabs my arm. Harley sweeps his legs out from under him and he rolls backward.

"Don't be hurtin' ma sister now Batsy!" She warns. Ivy uses her plants to restrain batman.

"Let's go before he breaks free," Salena said. We all nod and head towards the exit almost out before something sweeps past my head. I turn around to see Batman heading towards us.

"You go! I'll take care of him" I say running towards him before sliding between his legs behind him. This is going to be fun. Shadow if you please


I watch as shadow fights batman punch after punch getting as much as she gives. I can see Batman start to falter as Shadow gets a good swift kick to his ribs. He grunts and stumbles back. Good, we have him where we want him. Shadow goes for another kick but this time he grabs my leg and pulls me down to the floor. Struggling He gets me on my front with a knee between my shoulder blades.

"GET OFF ME YOU STUPID BAT!" Shadow spits. He just laughs and takes out some handcuffs. Before he can grab my wrists, I notice the room temperature just drop and the lights get dim casting a large dark shadow.

"Now Batman, I wouldn't do that" A voice echoes around the room scratching sounds of metal on metal following close behind.

"Scarecrow" Shadow whispers before cackling loudly.

"Your in for it now batman" Stepping out of the shadows was Scarecrow in all his glory. Batman jumped off me and turned to him letting his guard down for a split second. But that's all it took as I pushed him towards him with my feet. He stumbles and I take the opportunity to run over to Scarecrow. He barely glances at me before edging closer to Batman.

"Finally, I get to test our new toxin on you" He laughs before emptying a can of gas in his face. Breathing in the toxin along with Batman I thought I would be okay as I was not affected before. But this time was different. This time the whole room went black and across from me sat somebody I have always feared.

Scarecrow / Johnathan POV

Releasing the toxin in Batman's face I turn to Shadow to signal her to flee but this was not Shadow before me. It was her weak human counterpart frozen in one spot. Great she is as useless and Johnathan. I grab her and throw her over my shoulder before running out the bank. Over to you Johnathan. You can deal with this.

Running around the corner where I knew her bike was, I grab my set of keys and sit her on the front of the bike with me behind her and headed off back to the hideout.

Stupid girl, making a serum even she was affected.

'That was the plan in the first place'

We will have to fix that.

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)Where stories live. Discover now