Chapter 14

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I walk into the living area to find Harley and Joker sat on opposite side of the room not talking to each other with an awkward Ivy and Eddie in between them. Rolling my eyes I walk over and alert them of my presence. All eyes snap to me and I was met with the pleading eyes of Eddie and Ivy to let them go. I nodded them to leave and took Ivy's place on the couches crossing my arms. The silence between them was deafening.

"Okay then, What the fuck happened?" Looking in between them both it was obvious neither was going to tell me. I sigh and walk into the kitchen past Ivy and grab the biggest, sharpest knife I could find before walking back into the room and throwing it skimming past their heads. Harl's lets out a small yelp before glaring at me and Joker while he laughs hysterically. I roll my eyes and grab the knife and turning to Harley.

"Talk" I demand. She shakes her head then backs away as I point the knife right against her throat drawing a small amount of blood.

"Hayley!! Mistah' J is bein' too ovahprotectiv' again! He won't let me 'ave a play with b'man! Wants all the fun tah himself!" I look at her dumbfound, is she being bloody serious?! THAT is what this is about!!

"Stop throwing a bitchfit about it, you are being pathetic!" Joker tells her getting up.

"Well why dontcha make yah mind up then mistah J! One day yuh love me, next I am just anovah one of your Goons! Its bloody ovah Joker!!" Harly stands up and storms out into the streets obviously distressed.

"You will be easily replaced anyway!" He shouts at her as she leaves. I freeze spinning on my heel glaring at him. You know what I am not wasting my breath, Instead I throw the knife at him hitting him in the leg and causing him to fall to the floor laughing like me maniac he is. I turn around an collide into a firm male chest that causes me to stumble back. I look up and meet the dissapointed eyes of Johnny boy. I shrug my shoulders and walk past him calling over my shoulder.

"I'm going to find Harls! Catcha later!" I grab my coat before I leave when my arm was grabbed by a firm hand. "John, If you want to come you can but she is going to get herself killed. Especially with... Clayface... On the loose" A grunt is heard behind me and I am spun around so I am face to face with Johnathan.

"Good morning to you too" He said before kissing me lightly on my cheek.

"You know we spoke earlier on right?" I said eyebrow raised and cheeks flushing a slight pink.

"Yeah, But I wasn't awake then. C'mon lets go find your sister" I smile and nod rushing out the door John on my tail. We rush through the streets finding no sign of Harley and I begin to worry about what could happen to her. We finish around the South docks taking a break when I hear it, very faintly I hear a small cry that sounds like Harls from one of the warehouses .

"You hear that?" Johnathan nods his head then pulls out his mask from under his coat covering his face.

"Come little shadow" Scarecrows voice hisses softly. I nod and move quickly bt silently over to the warehouse. Harley's yelling becomes clearer and louder as we approach.

"Hey mistah! Get ya hands off me! Oh you- MISTAH J'H WILL HEAR 'BOUT THIS!!" I giggle at her shouts and signal Crow to follow me. I peer through the door and am met with darkness. What the hell is going on. Against my better judgement I walk in and follow the wall using my hand as a guide. Something wasn't right about this. Its too quiet. What happened to Harley's screams? I continue walking around the room until a blinding light is shone down on me obstructing my view for mere moments. I look up at the source of the light using my hand as a shield and see none other than Clayface stood there laughing down at me, Johnathan restrained by his side. I growl at him sneering at his ugly smug... face?

"Ah, Hayley. I thought you would be stupid enough to follow the trail I left after taking your 'Dear' sister... I thought I taught you better then that... Oops... But that was Shadow wasn't it?" I could see Crow slyly moving his hand into his coat, no doubt looking for fear gas to get us out. I need to buy him time.

"Where is she?!" I growl.

"Haha, well you will need to find her yourself. Follow the clues I have left you. You have one hour, any later and 'sister dearest' Will be dead. He laughs gruffly but is cut off when screams are heard from the man holding Crow. I look around at a way to get up and see chains hanging near a wall. Hope training with momma cat has worked off... I run at the chains and begin to climb up and onto the platform running towards where Johnathan was standing. Catching up to him I grab his arm and yank him with me to get my hands of that son of a gun! But he was nowhere to be found. I stopped running and grabbed hold of my thighs trying to catch my breath when it all dawned on me.

He has Harl's... I sunk to my knees racking my brain on how to find her.

"Johnathan. Call Riddler. NOW!" I ordered him my voice sharp as knives. I heard him dialed his number and passed me the phone. It rung once before I heard the annoying voice of Eddie chatting rubbish to me as always.

"Shut it Nigma." I growled at him, the line immediately fell deadly silent. "Good, Now listen closely. I need you to use the eyes you have around town to find Harly and track her from when she left the house this morning."

"Why should I-" He began to challenge me. I growled knowing I was soon to slip into Shadow wanting to break free.

"DON'T question me Nigma! Do it or you will have Shadow to deal with, I don't have time for your shit. Now hurry!" I snap at him before throwing the phone back at Johnny. Taking a deep breath I knew what my best bet would be to find her.

Shadow if you fuck this up, I will find a way to end you!

Phft! Don't worry about me, I am going to kill that Son of a Bitch!

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن