Chapter 6

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As I was about to leave the front entrance the receptionist called me over to her desk. I walked over and she looked up at me smiling.

“Courtesy of working here, you get a company car. I also saw you got a taxi so it’s easier to get around” She said handing me the keys. I looked at her shocked.

“T-Thank you”

“Your car is in bay 5. Have a good night” She said before typing away at her computer. I walked outside and was glad that I had a car as the heavens decided to open on Gotham. I ran over to the car in bay 5 and opened it up chucking my bag in and starting the car. I reversed out and started driving to the hotel. It was around 10:30 the car clock said. I was halfway home when my car started to splutter and stop. Groaning I tried to start the car again but it would keep cutting out. Aggravated I hit the steering wheel and grabbed my bag and my small knife from the pocket in case anyone tried to attack me and tried to hitch a ride home .After about an hour no one had stopped and cars were becoming scarce on the street. Luckily someone decided to stop a little bit down from my car.

(Play video on the side)

“Hey! Hey, stop, hey. Please stop, fuck stop! The car stopped and I ran over and got in the car out of the rain and put my bag on my lap.

“Thank god you stopped fuck, my fucking OnStar isn’t working, I left my fucking phone at work! God, I’ve been standing out here for like, an hour. I’m soaking wet, freezing. Thank you so much. Really, you’re a life-saver” I rambled to him rubbing my arms and searching through my bag trying to keep war. I heard the sound of duct tape being ripped and saw the man who helped me come towards me to gag me.

“What are you doing? Fucking! Get away from me! What the fuck! Fucking asshole! Get away from me you motherfucker” I began to panic searching for my knife but couldn’t find it. “Get away! Get away you fucking freak! Get away from me! Goddamit fuck! Help me!” I cried out

Jonathan P.O.V

I arrived at crime Ally and saw Joker and Harley pull up in front of my bike and exit the van. I walked over to them and shook Jokers hand.

“So, I hear you have met kid’s sister Hayley, you call us out here to tell us that because we already know” The joker laughed. I grimaced at this. They already knew about her, there goes my leverage.

“I was actually going to asked for your help to get her to come and join us, her talents are waited on the life she leads now” I said to them. Harley stood forward shaking her head.

“Nu-uh Scarecrow, my Hay-Hay is not gonna become one of us. She needs ta be normal! She is ma only family I have except ma Puddin’” She said to defiantly. I smiled at her.

“I think she should make that choice, she may have already chosen just needs a push” I said taking out her drawing and passing it to Harley. She paled a little and Joker plucked it out of her hands and laughed manically.

“Well we will soon find out. I got one of my goons to collect her from work. Should be here in 3...2...1...” Just then a car sped round the corner and stopped just inches from us. Expecting an Idiot of jokers, I was suppressed to be met with a red and angry face of Hayley. She got out and stormed over to us arriving at joker’s feet before slapping him hard around the face. I was frozen in my spot by shock of what had just unfolded in front of me.

“What the hell were you thinking you psychotic clown! I thought that man was going to rape or kill me or something! If you wanted me just ask and I would have come have fun stitching his mutilated body back together, it’s in the trunk!” He hissed at him. She was way beyond mad. I saw joker flinch towards his gun then whip it out to shoot her. I jumped in front of her to stop the bullet

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें