Chapter 11

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Scarecrow P.O.V

This son of a bitch almost killed my Hayley! Wait... she is not mine. I heard Ed take her away as I rushed towards clayface my toxin in hand. I spray it in his face and dodge his mush of a punch he threw at me.

"Oh Dear Jonathan, you really think that you're toxin affects me" He laughed in my face. How could I have forgotten that! He is made of clay. There is no way for the toxin to stay in his system! I sneered at him as he continued to speak walking arround in circles ready for a sudden attack

"If you think you can save her from herself, her true self. Then you are so verry wrong. I will not fight you Crane, but I will come back for her and I will win..." I couldn't help but stand there frozen as he changed back into Jace and ran past me, leaving me alone in the ally. What did he mean Hayley's true self? Was that her true destiny to become a killer? No, I won't let that happen. I will make sure of it.

Hayley P.O.V

When I got back to the wearhouse I was engulfed in a bone crushing hug from all of the girls and then the guys in the wearhouse. They bombarded me with qustions about where I was. I explained to them about Clayface and how we had left Johnny - Johnathan there to fight him. After that I retreated to my room. I needed to be alone with my thoughts.

What felt like hours passed by as I sat perched on the end of my bed staring blankly into the darkness of my room. My headphones playing quietly in the background. It wasnt until I felt a tap on my shoulder that I knew I wasn't alone. I jumped away and looked at the uninvited guest. Those blue eyes looked worrisome as they bore into my own, then without thought I tackled him down onto my bed in a hug holding him close to me.

I knew this shocked him but he didn't push me away, instead he held me close stroking my hair in a soothing way. I felt a tear slide down my face and I pulled away from him. SLAP! My hand connected heavily to the side of his face snapping it to the left and leaving a glowingg red handprint on his face. He looked at me in complete shock, paralised.

"Don't you EVER do that to me again! You could have been killed! You could have died yo-" I was cut off mid rant by Johnathan grabbing my waist and pushing me underneeth him. I looked up at him hovering above me a small smirk on his face. Oh shit, he is going to spray me with toxin...

"Johnathan please don-" His lips crashed down onto mine roughly. Recovering from my shock I kissed him back just as roughly. His boday came closer to mine gently resting on top of my own as he deepened the kiss. I smiled and pulled away for air. I opened my eyes and looked into his blue orbs.

"So, I guess that means I'm off the hook" I joke breaking the thick silence. He smiled down at me and nodded before standing up and helping me do the same. We both stood there awkwerdky not knowing what to do. My head was spinning froom so many questions.

This isn't like Jonathan Hay, what if its clayface....

It can't be... can it?

May want to check...

I took a step back from him and looked into his eyes. Taking a shakey breath I braced myself for the worst.

I opened my mouth to speak but before anything could come out Johnathan was kissing me again. I became lost in his kiss I forgot what I was doing and followed him. Thats when my bedroom door burst open revealing a very shocked and angry Johnathan Crane. I pulled away from the man in front of me and looked between the two of them.

"WHAT THE FU- WHATS GOING ON?!" My mimd was in overload what the hell. Which one is Johnny and which one is clayface.

Well im thinking fuck logic right now...

Not helping Shadow!

Then ask something only John would know dumbass.

I sighed she was right. Both of them went to talk at the same time and began argueing over who is the real Johnathan Crane. I sighed deeply and ran a hand down my face thinking of what to ask.

"You are Clayface not me I-"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" I shouted shutting them both up. I took a deep breath before asking my question.

"Ok, well, to figure out who is who I have to ask this. John, on our first therapy session what did you say to me after our heated conversation" I smiled looking at the John who kissed me.

"You are just as mad as me. One day you will see." He smiled down at me. I nodded and turned to my Johnny.

"Very well, I won't harm your pretty face for now" he smiled and caressed my face as he did. I closed my eyes gently then grabbed the gun on my bedside table behind John and fired a shot at the imposter.

"Get the fuck out, and I wont kill you" I growled at clayface. He laughed and took a step closer.

"You can't and wont kill me. Ill have you back soon enough. Shadow" He laughed dryly as I lunged towards him wanting to rip him to pieces or something but the strong arms of John held me back. Just as I heard the others footsteps reach my door he dissapeared out my window.

"Wha 'appened 'ere?!' Harls asked worried.

"Cayface" I growled. The all nodded and backed away leaving just me and John in the room. I sighed calming down and turned to face John. I looked into his blue eyes unable to find the words for how I felt at that moment, used, dirty and foolish were some that sprung to mind but there was no need for words. He knew. Instead he took my hands and led me to my bed holding me tightly in his arms.

"Your safe, your safe now" He kept mumbling this to me as I held onto him. He pulled away and lifted my chin to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." I breathed. He shook his head and pushed his glasses that had slipped down back up before replying.

"No my dear, I'm sorry. It's my fault you left, I pushed you away because I was too scared to admit how I feel..." He sighed and closed his eyes looking down. I felt my heart flutter and a smile begin to form on my face. I lifted a hand and gently slid it underneath his chin making him look at me.

"It's not your fault I'm so irresistible" I leaned up and softly kissed him on the lips, leaving me with a small tingeing sensation. He then kissed me, but with more passion and need in this kiss sending my heart into overdrive. I wrapped my arms around his neck loving this new feeling, the control he had on me was amazing and I didn't want it to end.

When he pulled away we were both breathing heavy. Foreheads together we closed our eyes letting my body shut down for some much needed rest.

"Hello Johnny-Boy"

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)Where stories live. Discover now