Chapter 8

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(Selena/Catwoman on the side)

Jonathan P.O.V

I sat in my lab about to put my new lethal dose of fear toxin Hayley helped ne improve when a phone went off across the room from me. Growling I looked out my door to see Hayley pick it up from Harleys room. Of course it would be her. I rolled my eyes and returned to my desk when I heard a thud of something bouncing on the floor.

'What has she done now' Scarecrow grumbled as I rushed over to the door to see Hayley fall to the floor shaking and repeating the name Jack before passing out. Crud what do I do now?

I picked her up in my arms. Her fragile body weightless and getting quickly cold and if possible paler.

"Harley, come here quickly, you too Ed!" I shouted down the hall taking her into my room and placing her on my bed. They came rushing in and gasping at Hayley’s almost lifeless body.

"What happened?" Harley cried rushing over to her.

"She is having a type of panic attack. Ed I need you to grab the phone outside and see if you can trace the call or see who it was from for me and Harley, I need you to tell me who Jack is" I ordered them checking her vitals. Ed ran off and tended to the phone and I looked up at Harley wanting an answer. She was slightly pale and confused.

"Jack was her ex and ma sis killed him, why do ya ask doc?" She asked not taking her eyes off her sister. I sighed.

"She kept muttering his name before she passed out. Stay with her and try comforting her, I’m going to get a mask to pump air into her" I told Harley. She nodded and I rushed to my lab and grabbed what I needed before rushing back to help her. I placed the mask over her mouth and nose and pumped air into her.

"The call was untraceable, but the caller ID was someone called Jack" Riddler said walking in and comforting Harley who had started to cry. I had been pumping air into her for 2 minutes now; if she doesn’t wake soon she has to go to hospital. Just then she gasped and sat up panting. But this wasn't Hayley, It was Shadow.

"I’m going to kill him"

Shadow P.O.V

I woke up from the weak state Hayley had left us in and was filled with rage. How was that A-hole not dead!

"I’m going to kill him" I growled before being snapped out of my thoughts by Harley cling Hayley’s name.

"Harley isn’t here now, you have a very pissed off shadow" I said to her and got off the bed I was on and was about to walk out when Jonathan stopped me. Growling at him I went to push him away but to no prevail.

"Shadow where do you think you are going" He asked sternly.

"Out" I growled "I Need to calm down before I kill the entire residence of this house" I said staring him in the eyes not backing down. He sighed and nodes. I smiled at him and walked into the main room and straight over to the clown.

"Hey Joker, you don’t give a damn about killing. Let’s go, I need to cool off" I ordered him.


"Shadow" I cut him off. He nodded and laughed.

"Sure, I need to annoy the bat again" He laughed. I smiled.

"Anyone you need... disposed of" I asked smirking. He looked at me and nodded. I grabbed a knife from the table and inspected the blade. 6 inches and serrated edge, Perfect.

"Let’s go" Joker and I excited the warehouse and ju.ped in our vehicles.

"I like you shadow" The clown laughed, I smiled and winked at him before speeding off into the dark of Gotham, What a beautiful night to paint the streets red.

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)Where stories live. Discover now