Chapter 10

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(A.N) Hello readers! This is an edited verson of the chapter and has a few changes at the end because I wanted to change where the story was going. I hope you enjoy and as always, vote comment and fan if you like!



We were all sat in an old warehouse with broken furniture and screens surrounding the main couch in the middle of the room waiting on the Bat to arrive. I took a deep breath and tried to rid my head of the images burned into it. The most painful of them all was the image and feeling of complete happiness when I saw what things could be like with John but then the tearing of my heart in two when I saw myself parading around with other men.

'SLUT, WHORE' His words echoed through my head. My eyes leaked small traces of tears that I wiped away quickly before anyone could see. That's when I heard glass break as someone entered the warehouse. I snapped my head up and saw the bat. John cleared his throat and stood up.

"Well, now we're all here. I have something to share with you all about when we got Hayley from Jarvis" He lifted his glassed up and rubbed his eyes like he hadn't slept in days and perched his glasses back on his nose. "I believe that Hayley had an insight to what may happen if she was to lose sense of her humanity to Shadow. It results in death in simple terms. The streets running red, piles of bodies. It ended with all of us and some man in a red cape and a 'S' on his cheat against her, to destroy Shadow." There was a loud clapping sound from the shadows behind John and there emerged Jack smirking at us all. My breath was caught in my throat in fear as I felt his eyes on me.

"Well done Dr. Crane, you are a smart one aren't you" He said cockily. "I am here for Hayley, you can either give her to me or I will take her" He said confidently.

I scoffed at his offer "Like you could take on everyone here" He smiled at me.

"I was hoping you would say that" He clicked his fingers and all of the sudden there was a blur of black around me. I blinked and saw that everyone was restrained on the floor around me struggling to get free by people dressed in black. I growled at him.

"Come and fight me then. I won't come easy" I snarled at him. He nodded and walked forward in a fighting stance. I readied myself.

'Shadow Help me'

Definitely she snarled. She always hated Jack. I was waiting for him to move first and studied his movements but there was nothing. I was preparing to strike when something collided with my head. That cheating bastard!


I started to regain consciousness and for the third time today I woke with a banging headache. I groaned and took in my surroundings. The room I was in was plain and boring not a splash of colour.

'At least you are not in a cell'

Shadow was right. I was on a really comfy sofa with a cover over me. Did I just get kidnapped because it sure as hell doesn't look like it? I heard footsteps come close to the back of the sofa, so instead of pretending to sleep like a normal person I turned round and saw it was Jack.

"Hello Sleeping Beauty" He said smiling over at me and sitting on the table in front of me. I sat up and looked at him with a blank look on my face.

'Is he stupid or does he wants to be torn to tiny pieces?' Shadow snarled in my head.

'I don't know; let's see how this plays out. That's probably what he wants'

"What do you want Jack?" He smiled down at me and tutted his tongue.

"You have forgotten my call already baby? I'm hurt" He said sarcastically laughing at me.

"I'm not your baby" I growled at him.

Hayley Quinn (A Johnathan Crane Love story)Where stories live. Discover now