💔💌 Nightmares (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)

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So, this may sound a little weird, but, I had a dream where I got attacked by a goddamn rat. Like, that bastard was the size of my dads foot (my dad has big feet). And it fucking jumped at me, causing me to jolt awake. I had searched the whole house (mind I tell you at 6 am) for the rat, whisper-yelling, "Where the hell are you, you disgusting little fucker?! I'll kill you!"

I am depriving myself of sleep, please, send halp.

Uhm, so, I'm looking at photos of Bakugou in the fairytale AU and I'm just sitting there like:

*computer crashing noises* Where are his nipples?


- Your POV -

I ran through the cold streets of Hosu city, hearing the sounds of my boyfriend's explosions.

"Dammit!" I hear him scream.

I find the alley where he's fighting Stain all by himself.

"Katsuki?" I question.
"(Y/n)?!" He turns his head to see me.

I slowly stagger towards him.

"C'mon! Help me!" He screams at me.

Stain stabs him in the stomach with his sword, slowly dragging it upwards, splitting my boyfriend from navel to nose, before removing it, and dashing away.

"Katsuki!" I screech, running towards my boyfriend.

"Oh God, oh God, Katsuki! Katsuki, no!" I scream.

Kastuki moves my face towards the concrete and writes a message in his blood.

Run, (Y/n). Live a long life. I love you.

I snap awake, jolting upwards.

- Katsuki Bakugou's POV -

"Katsuki, go!" (Y/n) screams at me.
"I can't leave you here!" I yell back at them, while blasting a villain away from us.
"Katsuki, go. I'll make it out. Go, get us some back up." They say, kicking a villain in the gut.
"No, I'm not leaving you!" I completely turn around.
"Katsuki!" They scream, pushing me aside.

I look up from my spot on the ground. A villain's hand is in their chest, before ripping out a heart. Their beating heart.

"You survived in other situations like this before. You'll survive this one too." (Y/n) speaks, looking me in the eye.

He throws their body onto the wall, their blood spattering against the white wall.

"(Y-Y/n)?" I stutter.

Their body falls in my lap.

My hands produce a large explosion, and all of the villains are gone.

"(Y/n)! Get your ass up!" I yell, shoving their heart back into the hole.
"See? I... I told y- you." They stopped breathing.

Their heart,

Stopped beating.

Their eyes,

Stopped blinking.



I snap awake, jerking myself into the upright position.

Right at the same time (Y/n) is.

- Your POV -


We both ask, latching onto each other.

"Oh thank God, you're okay." I breathe out, wiping my tired, tear-filled eyes.
"Thank fuck, you're okay." He runs his hand through my hair.

Katsuki pulls my legs in his lap and begins to rock us back and forth.

"It's okay. We'll be okay. Right?"
"Yeah. We'll be fine, (Y/n). Just never leave my side."
"I won't. Ever."
"I won't either."
"I love you, Katsuki."
"I love you too, (Y/n)."

BHNA/MHA Oneshots! (Open Requests!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora