💫 💔 (I.M.) - If you killed yourself

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I will be doing all characters (except for Mineta) so, leave a comment on who you want to have a scenario with next!
All the ones that are in initials are scenarios. (Examples: I.M., K.B., O.U., M.Y., M.A., etc. (Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, Momo, Mina, etc.))


You've read the title, so you know what's up. If you're triggered by this, just. Just don't. Okay? I love you, lemme know if there's anything I can do to help. Muah.


I couldn't handle the feeling I had locked away for so long. I needed to be happy. I needed to have true smiles. But then in this night, I had to end my life. I had rope hanging from the ceiling, a hangman's noose already knotted on it. I stood in a chair, slipping my head through the hole.

This is it. This is the end of (L/n) (Y/n).

I kicked the chair, letting my body hang from the ceiling, letting my air supply be cut off by the rope.

- The next day, after school / 3rd person POV-

"(Y/n)-chan? Are you okay? Are you sick?" Izuku waited at (Y/n)'s dorm, waiting for a response.

He waited and waited and waited. There was no response. He walked down the hall to talk with Mr. Aizawa.

"Is (Y/n) here? They haven't came to school or answered the door." Izuku says to his teacher.
"I don't know. I'll give you the key for their dorm. Return this to me when you're done." The raven-haired teacher spoke in his monotonous voice.
"Yes, sir!" The cheerful boy grabbed the key and ran to (Y/n)'s dorm room.

Once the boy reached the room, he unlocked the door, and open the door.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" He shrieked, his mind could never forget the sight he had just witnessed.

He saw his significant other hanging from the ceiling. Their eyes were so dull and lifeless, their lips were a pale blue. Their neck was bruised and bloody from hanging there so long.

Rushed footsteps scurried to find out what Izuku was screaming about. Many of the classmates screamed and started crying. Those who were strong enough dropped to their knees, trying to comfort a screaming and crying Izuku.

They all knew (L/n) was going through something, but they never imagined it to be this bad. They never knew that they was going to commit suicide.

Mr. Aizawa came running down the hallway.

"What's going on? Why are you all screami-" He looked at the scene in front of him, "Oh god."

Aizawa pushed people out of the way, making his way towards (Y/n)'s corpse.

"Everyone, leave." He said.

Majority of the students left, some weeping, some holding away their tears, and some seeming not to care (*Bakugou* but he does care).

The only one that stayed was Izuku. The poor green-haired boy was crying rivers.

"I said, go, problem child." Mr. Aizawa said sternly.
"I-I ca-can't leave th-them a-alone l-like th-this! I-I did-didn't k-know wh-what th-they we-were go-going t-through! I sh-should have a-asked!" The boy cried out.

- Time Skip -

Soon, Izuku had to go back to school. The happy, green-haired boy wasn't the same as he once was.

His eyes lost the happy shine they once had, his smile was no longer existent. He had become a completely different Izuku Midoriya. He was even failing classes and stopped muttering. He had changed so much, everyone was worried about him.

Soon the bell ring, dissmissing students from their classes. Once Izuku had packed up and almost got out the giant door, he heard a voice.

"Oi, damn nerd. Wait up." Bakugou's rough voice called out.

Izuku waited on Bakugou. Once Bakugou caught up, Izuku started walking again.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You haven't been your damn self." Bakugou ranted.
"Does it really even matter?" The green-haired boy spoke.

The blonde stopped in his tracks.

"Of course it fucking matters! We miss the happy, optimistic, crybaby Deku! Now, you're sad, pessimistic, and emotionless! I want the old Deku back! We all do! Ever since (Y/n) kille-" Bakugou was shouting at the boy.
"Shut up! Just shut up for a damn minute! Don't you dare bring up their name! You have no idea what it feels like! You have no clue how it feels to have the person you held the closest to your heart, die like that! You never had walked in on (the person you ship Bakugou with), just to see them dangling from a goddamn rope! You never had to see their dull, lifeless eyes. You never had to see their pale blue lips. You never had to see their bruised and bloodied neck. You've never seen any of that! You never had to have your heart shattered into a million pieces! I just want (Y/n) to hold me in their arms once more and tell me that everything's gonna be okay! But no, I can never have them back! Never ever!" The green-haired boy cries out.

Bakugou pulls his phone out, typing a quick text. Soon, his classmates came back into the classroom, smothering Izuku in a hug. Even the staff came.

"Everybody move out of the way!" Midnight exclaims.

Once the people cleared, Midnight walked over to the boy, pulling him into a hug. She pulled his face between her boobs.

"Miss Midnight, y-your b-" Izuku tried to call out.
"I know, I know. Boobs make everything better. Don't put up a fight with me, just accept it." The big-breasted lady said calmly.

Once she let him go, All Might gripped the boy into a hug.

"I was starting to wonder why you weren't talking to me, Young Midoriya. I thought I did something wrong."
"N-no, All Might. You didn't do anything wrong. I did."
"Problem child, their death wasn't your fault. Stop blaming it on yourself." Aizawa said, standing in the doorway.
"I can't help but to feel that way though..."

When they all walked away, Izuku began muttering to himself.

"I'll be with you soon, (Y/n)-chan. Don't you worry..."

Feel free to request any character (except for mineta). I'll be glad to write scenarios and oneshots for them (boy or girl)! Also, I'll be going on a temporary hiatus for all of my books, requests will still be open. I get WiFi at school and I won't be going back to school until May due to the CoronaVirus (luckily, no one has caught it yet.) I'll mostly be home alone or something.

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