💔💌 Clashing on Christmas (Momo x reader part 2)

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⚠ This contains ANGST! Contains: Self-harm and anxiety-filled thoughts! Read at your own risk! ⚠

Is this her confession to Jiro? Is this the end of our friendship? What have I done?

She held Jiro against the wall, whispering to her.

What the hell is she whispering to her?

I push myself out of my seat and run. I run down the halls, out of the building, and down the street to get to safety of my dorm. Once I run up the stairs, I reach my room, locking myself away. I began crying as if the tears would never stop coming.

Gee, this is all my fault! I shouldn't have been so fucking stupid and fall for her. I'm so stupid! I knew she would never like me! I'm the complete opposite of Momo! She would never love someone so different! She creates things while all I do is destroy it!

I try not to touch my face, in fear that it will shatter again.


I reach in my pocket, pulling out my phone.

Where the hell are you, damn extra? Are you free after school?

I could use this to escape my thoughts of Momo.

Yeah, Bakugou. I'm free after school.

Good, meet me in the common room after we get back from school. Also, you never told me where the fuck you are!

I headed back to the dorms, I wasn't feeling very well.

Well, (L/n), I hope you feel well fucking soon.

I'll be fine. I just needed a little bit of air and space.

I pressed the power button on my phone and set it down gently. Soon, I'd have to face another person today.

-Time Skip-

After I took a shower and put some decent clothes on, someone knocked on my dorm door.
"Are you ready yet, dumbass?!" Bakugou yelled.
"Not yet, Thot-pocket!!"
"Did you just call me a fucking thot?!" Bakugou screamed, busting the door open, noticing my red, puffy eyes.
"(L/n), did something happen? Is that why you left early?" He questioned.

Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."
"Why does it matter to you?" I said, turning to rush to my room.
"Ugh, whatever, Idiot." Bakugou scowled before stomping out of my room.

-Momo's POV-

Bakugou stomped down the stairs, drawing everyone's attention towards him. He stomped over to me.
"Get your pissy ass (girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other) in line." He said, his voice dripping with venom.
"Huh? I don't have a (girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other). Who are you talking about?" I say, confusion filled my voice.
"Fucking liar."
"I don't have a (girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other), Bakugou. Who are you talking about?"
"(L/n). I noticed they left school early. They said they wasn't feeling well. I asked them to hang out with me after school, and they said yes. I went to their dorm, and when I opened the door, their eyes were red and puffy and shit."
"Did they specify why they were crying?"
"To hell if I know. They wouldn't tell me. They ran off before I could make them tell me." He shrugged.

I broke away, running as fast as I can to their room. I reach their door and knock quickly.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n), answer the door! Please!"
"Go away, Momo!" I hear their voice, but it's in a sad and stressed voice.
"(Y/n), let me in!" I pleaded.
"No! Go away, Momo!"

I ran to Mr. Aizawa and got (Y/n)'s dorm keys. I ran to their dorm and unlocked it.

(Y/n)'s bathroom light was on. Turning the corner,

I saw a sight that I would never forget.

(Y/n) was sitting on the floor, weeping. Most importantly,

They had a razor blade against their, already bleeding, wrist.

"(Y/n)!" I cried out, running to them.

Their head quickly shot up, and began crying harder when they seen me.

"Momo, you shouldn't be here! I told you to go away!" They scream at me.
"(Y/n)." I quickly kneeled in front of them, grabbing the razor blade away from them. "(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n), you shouldn't be doing this to yourself." I pleaded, tears welling in my eyes.

-(Y/n)'s POV-

"(Y/n), (Y/n)," Momo's voice got sadder with each time she spoke my name. "(Y/n), you shouldn't be doing this to yourself." Tears formed in the edges of her eyes.

I- I have no other option. I have nothing left. I have no friends. I have no opportunity. Everyone hates me. They all do. There's no point in living. There's no point in becoming a hero. Momo doesn't love me. She loves Jiro. I can never have Momo. Never ever. It's all because I fucked up and couldn't handle my quirk. I fucked everything up! It's all my fault!

"(Y/n)!" She shook my shoulders, taking me from my thoughts.
"What?" I say, my voice hoarse from crying.
"What's going on? What's wrong, (Y/n)? Tell me what's wrong so I can try to fix it!"
"It's not something you can fix, Momo." I lied, with my eyes trailing off to somewhere else.

(A/n: There, I fixed it. Feel free to keep telling me where I messed up, you know who you are XD)

"(Y/n). There's something wrong. I want to help you. I want to fix it, (Y/n). Please tell me." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
She made bandages with her quirk, wrapping up my arm.
"Please, (Y/n), I love you. I don't ever want to see you hurt like this. I don't want to see you cry. I want you to be happy. I want you to smile. I want you to talk to me. I want you to be mine, (Y/n)." She looks at me, scanning my face.

Sh- She loves me? No, that couldn't be. I couldn't have heard that right.

"(Y/n), recently, I was hanging out with Jiro. She was giving me advice on how to make you my (girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other). I'm sorry I haven't been hanging around you, as of late. She was giving me pointers, tips, and tricks on how to make you mine. I had her pinned up against the wall as an example. I love you, (Y/n). I don't ever want you to feel like you're not loved. I want to hug you, love you, kiss you, and hold you close to me. I want you to know that I'm here. I want you to talk your problems out. I want to be there to dry your tears, and tell you its okay." She says, rubbing away the tears from under my eyes. "I understand if you don't feel the same way."
"Momo. I- " I struggle to find words to say. "I love you, Momo. When you were pushing Jiro against the wall, it made so angry and sad. I know it's wrong to feel the way I do, but, Momo, I love you!" I exclaim, pushing my voice further.

She presses her lips to mine, kissing away the tears that was left on my lips.

"(Y/n), would you be my (girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other)?"
"Yes. Yes. Yes! Momo, I want you to be mine!"

"I'll be yours, and only yours, my dear (Y/n)."

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