💌 Detention (Bakugou x Nice! Made-A-Mistake! Reader)

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In honor of my first time in detention. Please help me.

I think about deleting this chapter. It's stupid.


"You like Bakugou? Pfft! As if he'll like someone like you! It'll never happen!" A girl I used to be friends with says to me.
"Stop!" I tell her.
But she continues anyway.
"Stop!" I run up to her and punch her face.

This reminds me. Why am I acting like this, I'm a high schooler?

"Ow! (L/n) hit me!" She squeals.
The teacher sends me to detention.

Walking into the detention room, I spot spiky, ash blonde hair. The supervisor tells me to sit down. Sitting in a seat far away from Bakugou, I pull my knees to my chest. I pull my work out of my backpack, starting to work on it.

-Time Skip-

I'm currently crying.

I can't handle being in detention. If I wouldn't have hit her, I wouldn't be in this mess. Now she probably hates me more than she already does. What if she presses charges? I could go to juvie. Oh god, I don't wanna get separated from my family. What if literally everyone hates me because if it?

I'm so drowned out in my thoughts, I didn't even hear Bakugou sit down beside me.

"Hey, loser, calm the fuck down before you hyperventilate." He whispers in my ear.

I-I'm doing what now? Oh god, now he's gonna think even lower of me than he already does. God, why do I always fall for people who I know I'll never have a shot with? Why is there so much shit wrong with me?

"I said calm the fuck down. You're having a panic attack. Focus on something other than your damn thoughts."

Now, I notice the tightness in my lungs, my rapid heartbeat, my short, shallow breaths, and the feel of his glare burning through me.

I am having a panic attack. Oh god-

Bakugou places his hand on my back.

"Calm your tits. What the hell is wrong?" He whispers.
"I-I've n-never b-been in h-here be-before."
"Never been in what? Detention?"
I nod my head.
"You're gonna be fine. Look. Look at me, (L/n)." He plants his hands on the sides of my face and turns my head towards him.
"(L/n), it's gonna be just fucking fine. This isn't the end of the damn world. It's just a little bit of detention, it's not gonna hurt you."
"B-but everyone's gonna treat me like I'm a bad guy after this."
"No, they won't, (L/n). If they do, I'll kick their asses. I know you're not a fucking bad guy. Whoever thinks you are will die."
"Y-you don't even know what I-I did."
"(L/n), you were probably defending yourself and you hurt somebody. You typically follow the fucking rules."

I start biting my nails, and Bakugou rips my hands away from my mouth.

"Don't bite your nails. Do you know how many fucking germs are under you damn nails?"
I slowly nod my head.
"Then stop it." He whispered.

He pulls out paper and a mechanical pencil.

"Here. Draw me a picture." He whispers, being more gentle with his words.

In the end, I drew the first pleasant thing that came to my mind.

Sliding the image over to Bakugou, he gave me a smirk.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks.
"Yeah. But, Bakugou, I'm scared-"
"Don't even start, (L/n)."

-Time Skip-

"Alright, you are free to go home, both of you." The supervisor said with his monotonous voice.

I run to the door, eager to escape this hellhole.

"Hey, dumbass, wait on me." Bakugou says behind me.

I stop and wait for Bakugou. As soon as he reaches me, he pushes me against the wall, trapping me between his arms.

"Now, what the hell did you do to get sent to detention?" He says in a low growl.
"I-I don't wanna say."

He leans in closer.

"What the fuck did you do? Tell me, princess."

What the heck? Did he just call me 'princess?' Oh my god, what am I gonna do?!

"I'm not gonna fucking punish you. Unless you ask nicely." He whispers sudectively in my ear.

A'ight, Imma head out.

I try to slip out from under his arm, but he uses his leg to block me in.

"Guess I'm gonna have to punish you."
"Then tell me what you fucking did."
"Fine. I hit someone. End of story, I'm not explaining."
"Well, th- Wait! You fucking HIT someone?"

Great, now he's gloating.

"Hey, I asked you a fucking question!"
"I'm not gonna answer."
"Answer me or I'll leave you here all alone."


"Fine. I was standing up for myself. Someone was making fun of me all because I like you! I'm sorry, I just couldn't stand by and let them pick on me!"

Bakugou places his hand on my head.

"Calm your tits. It's fine. I-I guess I like you too." His voice seemed softer.
"I'm sorry." I say, turning my head down, to look at the floor.
"C'mon, loser. I'll walk ya home." He wraps his arm around my shoulders and turns us to the direction of the exit.

It's my birthday! I'm 15!

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