💔💌 Cuts (Katsuki Bakugou x reader)

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I enjoyed the feeling of dragging a blade across my skin, letting my blood spill.

A feeling other than the sadness and anger. Emotions I grew tired of feeling. Emotions I hated with a burning passion.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal, I just wanna feel something other than these two stupid emotions.

"Hey, (Y/n)! We're having a room decorating contest, you wanna come out and join us?" Ochaco knocks on my door and ask.
"No, thank you. It's nice of you to offer, I still have some unpacking to do." I reply.
"Oh, okay, maybe soon then?"

I wipe away all of the blood on my arm with a tissue, and light the tissue ablaze with my quirk.

I made sure to repeat the process until my arm stops bleeding.

I pull down my sleeves and leave my room, heading down to the kitchen.

I heat up a pan and boil a pot of water.

A pair of hands slide their way around my waist, pulling me close to a warm body.

"Whatcha making?" Katsuki whispers in my ear.
"An Italian classic. Spaghetti."
"Because it's quick, easy, and can feed many."
"Why are you even cooking for all these bastards in the first place? They can cook for themselves."
"Yeah, but I cook at this time, out of habit, ya know, I used to be the only one who knew how to cook at my place. I had to teach dad how to. Plus, I don't want the hoes to burn down the kitchen and it's my first day having a kitchen that other people than myself will use."
"Alright, lemme go. I gotta get the things to make this."

He lets go of me. I begin to walk away.

He grabs my wrist, pulling me in.

I hope he didn't notice the wince.

His face flashed with concern before going back to normal.

Yup, he fucking noticed.

"The price is one kiss." He says.

I press a kiss to his lips before leaving to get the things.

Maybe he didn't notice?

- Time Skip: After Dinner -

"Damn, (Y/n)! That spaghetti was good!" Kirishima compliments.
"I know, it's because I'm a damn good cook." I proudly announce, before going up the stairs, losing the happy act.

"Oi!" Katsuki stomps up the stairs behind me.

I pull the fake smile back on my face.

"Where you going? I wasn't finished with ya in the kitchen." He got closer, putting his hands on my hips, "It only made me want you more when you ran me out of the fucking kitchen."
"Cool." I turn around and head back to my dorm.

I jump on my bed, snuggling myself into the blankets.

"Alright. You can quit the act now." Katsuki says, a serious tone to his voice.
"What do you mean?" I ask, pretending to be clueless.
"You're pretending to be happy and it's bullshit. You're not as sly as you think."

Fuck, if he can see through my bullshit, who else can?

"Well," I yawn, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You act like I couldn't hear you sniffling all those times we talked on the phone."
"I have allergies." I lie.
"You never sniffled in person."
"The allergy medicine wears off by the time I get home."
"Bullshit. If I were to call your parents to ask if you had allergies, would they tell me that you do?"
"They don't give enough fucks about me to care if I was sniffling over pollen. As long as I'm not dying, I'm fine."
"You're lying."
"No, I'm not, they honestly don't care."
"Not about that. If you had allergy medicine, where is it?"
"I didn't pack it, it's all at the house."

He sighs a frustrated sigh.

"Roll up your sleeves."
"Roll em up."
"Why are you getting defensive, huh? If you have nothing to hide then roll up your sleeves."
"No. My arms are ugly. They're burnt." I lie.
"Bullshit. I've seen your arms during training and they're not burnt, they're perfectly fine."
"They're still healing from the last time I used my quirk, it burnt the hide off my arms."
"You're pissing me off. Roll them up because if I'm gonna have to do it for you, it's not gonna be pretty."
"No. I-"
"Excuse after excuse. No more. Just do it. I seen you wince in the kitchen when I grabbed your arm."
"Well, fine. Here's the fucking truth." I jerk my sleeve up.
"Why the fuck is your arm covered in cuts?"

And here's the final rock that breaks the dam.

"Because I just wanna feel." Tears start to flow from, not only my eyes, but Katsuki's too.
"Feel what?"
"Something other than all this sadness and anger. I don't wanna die, but I don't wanna live like this."
"Live like what?"
"Living like I have to bear the entire world on my shoulders. I'm overwhelmed by minor inconveniences. And I'm failing to care for everyone else like I'm supposed to! I'm failing, I'm failing, I'm failing!" I dig my hands in my hair.
"Hey, dumbass. Breathe. You can't hold the entire world on your shoulders, not even All Might can do that. You're letting everything build up and it's getting to you. You don't have to care for everyone else, that's not your job. They can care for themselves. You need to care about yourself. You've been rejecting your wants and needs for everyone elses. Put yourself first. You forget that you matter too. You leave your feelings out, because you think they don't matter. Well, let me tell you something. You matter. Your feelings matter. You fear failure, and I can see it. You don't want to fail to meet people expectations, you try to force yourself to be what they want you to be, and that's not good. You know that you're loved and cared about and you try your damn hardest to try and not lose that. Because everything I said I ever looked for in a significant other, you changed yourself to be that, when I already loved you for you. You don't have to change yourself for anybody, and anybody who thinks that you have to change can fuck off. They're the one who needs changing. Not you."

He pulls me into a hug and presses a kiss to the top of my head.

"I don't wanna get tear stains on your shirt-" I try pulling out of his embrace.
"I don't give a shit about 'tear stains on my shirt.' My shirt's black, no one will notice tear stains on it and if they do, I'll blow them up because I give a fuck about my significant other's emotions. My mother may have raised an angry bitch, but not a stupid one."


A/n: So, hey guys, it's Belle. I've been feeling really depressed lately and it's only getting worse over the course of quarantine, and I know that quarantine will be ending soon because the vaccine is being distributed but even after quarantine, I don't think I'll feel any less alone. I've been and felt alone my whole life, I never had many friends, and I don't know if any of them will be going back to school after corona's gone away. I was happy for a few months after quarantine started because I got to stay at my favorite place all day, but then it started getting more and more depressing. I got to leave all the time, now I'm lucky to leave this mountain (yes, I literally live on a mountain.) even once in two months. I miss being close with people. Especially with little to no wifi connections. I feel trapped, bigger than hell. I don't think I can make it through my worst days any longer. But you? You who cared enough to read this? You can make it through 100% of your worst days and you'll find true happiness, just give it time, though it may not come soon, just wait. You'll shine bright one day, and I hope to be there, catching the rays that shine off you. Your dream for yourself can come true, you just have to believe in yourself. I love you, so, so fucking much. So, continue waiting and I hope you find what you need, what you're searching for. I believe in you and I will never stop. I will be here, cheering you on from the sidelines. You deserve it. You deserve so fucking much and I hope you get it. I love you all so much.

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