Tang, The Cat Detective- 4.13

Start from the beginning

"..Wait!" Zhou Tong attempts to catch up to her despite the crowd forming around them causing him to lose sight, "Wait!—" he shouted once more swimming through the crowd of people as he spotted her lavender coloured robe.

"..Give me a break-" Cheng Bi Yu grips her robe ducking through the crowd she hid behind a wall to lose the man, "..Thank god!-" she sighed braced against the wall she wiped her sweat Cheng Bi Yu froze when she heard someone also sighed in relief right beside her.

Instinctively turning her head to the side she discovered a guy covered in sweat and too exhausted to notice even notice the stranger beside him but despite that he does once smelling  a jasmine scent turning to the source of the fragrance his sword straight dark brown eyebrows furrowed.

"...Who are you?!" He questions harshly the man was considered handsome despite his wild appearance. His dark brown chopped hair flowed down his back in untamed curls his almond shaped dark brown eyes dangerously pierced through one's flesh his nose was slightly crooked his dry lips were thin but was pink his skin was tanned.

As for his garments he wore brown rags which showcased his muscular arms leaving them bare for all to see his faded and fresh scars.

"Who are you?!-" Cheng Bi Yu directs the question back to him. In her observation she also realized the youth had a similar bar tattoo that Tao Lin's men had but it was on his neck instead of the wrist like the others.

Snapping Deng Wu frustratedly agitated exclaimed, "..Look here lady this is my corner so you better get going!-"  Cheng Bi Yu glares, "Good face, bad attitude!-"

Deng Wu furiously arched his brows, "..What did you just say?!-" Cheng Bi Yu leaned from the wall, "..You heard me! You're just a good looking nasty attitude prick-"

"..Scram!-" Deng Wu barks Cheng Bi Yu quirked, "..Humph, you think you can scare me! Why should I scram I got here first it's my territory to calm you're the one who should do the scamming!-"

Deng Wu was caught off guard when he behaved nasty the women would cower running away but this one stood firm challenging his authority.

Cheng Bi Yu roughly pokes his chest fiercely glaring at the rude youth, "..Well are you going to scram or not?!-" she stomped her foot. Deng Wu decided to change his attitude, "...You've got guts you know that lady?!-"

"...And you've got shriveled balls-"
Cheng Bi Yu retracts her finger she retreats folding her arms, "..Tell me something I don't know-" she cheekily remarked Deng Wu mouths, "...And a thing for dry humor-"

"...And you have a thing for claiming other people's territories-" Cheng Bi Yu rebuffed cleaning her nails the corner of his mouth creased, "..My lady why don't we forget our discrepancies I'm Deng Wu pleased to meet your acquaintance-"

Cheng Bi Yu humphs, "..I'm not with that insatiable attitude of yours-" Deng Wu pressed, "...What's your name my lady?-" Cheng Bi Yu looked up from her nails, "..Not that it's anything to you, ancestral name is Tang. I'll be forced to forget our little mishap if you tell me where you got your tattoo," Cheng Bi Yu wanted to know if it was just a coincidence or connected.

Deng Wu smirked leaning forward, "...Why are you interested in my tattoo? A Miss such as yourself maybe looking to get one?-" Cheng Bi Yu uncomfortably with their closeness dramatically dressed back, "..Humph!-" she exclaimed ready to leave Deng Wu snatched her wrist, "...What's the rush?!-" Cheng Bi Yu grits her teeth wiggling her wrist, "..Let go of me!-" she fiercely glared Deng Wu played, "..Or what?-" he challenged sharpening his gaze his hold tightened the more she struggled, "..I'll scream!-" she violently trashed.

Deng Wu leaned against her ear, "..If you scream how are you going to hear about the tattoo?-" his hot breath fanned against her ear he retracts releasing her wrist he took cautious steps back Cheng Bi Yu fiercely glared massaging her wrist, ".. Sorry did I squeeze too hard?-" he cocked his brow.

"..Just speak already! Tell me about the tattoo!-" Cheng Bi Yu grilled overly pissed his expression turned into one of delight, "..Oh this old thing-" he brought his hand up to his neck glanding his fingertips over his tattoo, "..A good friend of mine did the handy work-" Deng Wu lowered his palm.

He smirks mischief danced on his eyebrows, "..Are you really that interested in my tattoo or something else?-" he boldly steps forward, "..Because I'm interested in you-" he cooly confessed.

Cheng Bi Yu devilishly smirked copying his action she boldly approached,"...I'm afraid I'm more interested in the ink than a low life like you-" she tiptoes, "..Now that friend of yours does he have a name?-"

Deng Wu rubs his head shaking, "..My memories fuzzy when it comes to my friends darling but maybe after a couple drinks it'll come back to me-" Cheng Bi Yu steps back, "..I'm disappointed-"

Deng Wu playfully smirks, "..Why because I'm such a catch?-" Cheng Bi Yu puckered her lips, "..No-" she pressed, "..Because I've wasted valuable time with a no good idiot like you-"

Deng Wu clutched his chest, "..You wound me Surname Tang-" Cheng Bi Yu snorts, "..Good because I wouldn't have it any other way-" Deng Wu leans close to her ear, "..Me neither-" he tucks a loose strand behind her ear Cheng Bi Yu stilled her breathing slowed she momentarily closed her eyes he secretly steals her earring, "..To think I can make you this way-"

Cheng Bi Yu eyes shot open panicked she pushed Deng Wu away she scolds herself for her one moment of weakness, "..You're crazy that means nothing-" Deng Wu grinned, "..Not to you it doesn't but to me it does-" he clutched the earring securely in his palm, "..Your charms don't work on me-"

"..On the contrary I think it does-" Deng Wu charmingly smiles, "..Take this as a chance encounter to our flourishing relationship. It's destiny-"

Cheng Bi Yu scuffed, "..Destiny my foot! I'll see to it that I never run into your ugly face again-" Cheng Bi Yu marched off furious.

Once out of sight Deng Wu opened his clutched palm, "..You bet your lucky stars we'll meet-" he peered at her earring, "...Surname Tang-" his gaze lingered at the jade, "..One way or another we'll meet again-" he carefully tugged the earring in the pouch he stole from a snot nosed merchant.

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