Rules for requests

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Won't do:

1. Smut

2. Anything that is illegal in real life (ex. Pedophilia, rape, sexual assault, stalking, etc)*

3. Baby and caregiver. I don't know how to feel about it. Like I understand why people do it (kinda) I wouldn't know how to write it.

(Rewrite of what I had cuz it sounded really mean)

4. The use of "Daddy" in sexual ways

5. Master and slave. I don't think I should explain on way I don't want to do that (what I mean by slaves are people kept against their will and forced to do stuff, also sex slaves.)

Will do:

1. AUs.

2. Your own OCs and self inserts (not shipping because I don't know how old y'all are)

3. Incorrect quotes (will draw them)

4. Song fics

5. Mentions of NSFW (not smut though)

* if it's necessary to the story, then yes, I will do it. But, I won't go into detail due to the fact that it could trigger some people. In the beginning of each story I will put some trigger warning and try to put a trigger warning and an ending in case people don't want to read it.

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