New look

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My online persona does a goth makeover on a6d and Sapnap making a6d flustered as hell

A6d looked at his shorter friend in utter disbelief. Yin is holding a dress and platform boots with a bag of makeup on the floor next to her. He had made a bet with the other five and lost, he didn't know what the punishment he had to but now he knows. Of course Yin would do this, she had been saying that he would look good in goth clothing and makeup. He did got curious about makeup since Yin would do artsy looks for fun, but never got the confidence to actually do it.

"You also have to live stream this." Yin announced snapping a6d back into reality. She had a shit-eating grin on her face as a6d began to blush from the possible embarrassment that he would revived. He covered his face with his hands and let out a loud groan, he felt a soft hand on his back and a sigh.

"Fine, I'll do it." He kinda shocked both himself and Yin from saying that as he removed his hands off of his face to look at Yin, who gave him a soft smile and grabbed the items she had and put them in a6d's room for him to see. A6d followed Yin into his room and saw her pulling out makeup, makeup brushes, hair products and hair extensions and placed them on his desk for him to look at. An arrange of grays, purples, blacks, blues and reds for both eyeshadows and lipsticks. A6d looked at Yin who was checking to see if the makeup matched with the outfit she has picked out and put things into two different piles. Many of the gray and black colored makeup was put back into the small bag she had brought with her and laid out the other colors of a6d to see. He looked at the other makeup colors and figured out that Yin wanted him to pick out the colors for the makeup for him to wear. His eyes landed on a royal purple eyeshadow and an indigo-purple lipstick, and a volume building mascara. He looked at Yin and saw a receipt that fell onto the table that must have fallen from the bag and noticed the high total that she had payed.

"Yin, did you pay for all of this?" A6d was in utter shock that Yin was willing to pay that much for him. Yin noticed the receipt on the table and just smiled and let out a small laugh. She nodded to which a6d started to freak.

"I could've bought these!" A6d yelled out causing Yin to jump back a little. Their friendship is a rather interesting one, since a6d wasn't the type of person to dress up nicely where as Yin liked to look nice for the occasion. A6d took of few breaths and apologized to Yin for spooking her.

"It's ok. Maybe you would find something out of this and expand your wardrobe." Yin light heartedly joked as she organized the makeup so there would be more room on the desk. A6d has a stream later in the day, so he told Yin that he'll do the makeover which made Yin incredibly happy. They had about 30 minutes to get ready and Yin told a6d to wear the outfit and platform boots so the chat would be in for a surprise when they start. Yin messaged Sapnap to be on Team Speak so he could see what the two would be doing and so the chat can get their dose of Sap6d.

~Time skip 28 minutes~
A6d got the outfit and shoes on and was in complete utter shock with how the outfit fitted him. The dress gave him a somewhat feminine physique from the middle part of the dress and the platform gave him about about 2 extra inches and was rather comfortable. He walked out of the bathroom and walked into his room to see Yin setting up the stream setup. He got onto his Twitch account and started the stream, and was rather nervous since chat would see him in a dress and in platform boots. Yin had her phone out on the desk and a6d noticed that she was on call with Sapnap and the two had been talking for a while now.

"Dang a6d, you got some legs~." Sapnap said in a very flirty way that caused a6d to blush a bright red. Chat noticed it and started to type "Sap6d" in the chat which made Yin let out a small chuckle, she brought another chair for her to sit in. A6d sat down and looked at Yin's phone as he heard Sapnap making flirtatious remarks while stammering quite a bit as Yin was getting the supplies which caused chat to go crazy about the makeup and hair items.

"Hey so... uh I lost a bet and this is a punishment that Yin had chose for me." A6d said as chat was freaking out noticing the items that Yin was showing them the amount of makeup that she had in a bag. He was given a motion by Yin to turn around so she can put the hair extensions in. After about ten minutes, Yin finished putting in the extensions she told him to face her so she can do his makeup. He turned around and began to touch the extensions and was surprised to feel the length of it. Yin pulled out the makeup and the brushes, grabbing the foundation.

"What's the foundation for?" A6d asked Yin since he only saw the eye makeup and lipsticks, not foundation or anything else. She took out a beauty blender and pumped a few squirts of foundation on the back of her left head and began the makeover. Sapnap kept on making complaints to a6d on how he looks and chat is having a field day. Even though Yin is fairly new to the group, she fitted in incredibly well and bonded with the six of them. Once the foundation was finished, Yin put powder on top of it so it wouldn't slide around.

"Ok, pick a color." Yin picked up several eyeliner pencils and a6d was hesitant. After about ten seconds of silence from a6d, he picked out a light purple and light reddish-pink color. Yin placed the rest of the pencils down and began to put fake freckles on his cheeks that looked cute in a way. She picked up two blushes, a pink and a purple colored, and put them on his cheeks that brought out his eye color. She handed him a mirror for him to look at his reflection and he was amazed with the progress that Yin had made. Even though she was half down, the makeup was rather pretty to look at.

"Holy fuck. Yin, when did you get better at makeup?" A6d placed the mirror on his desk as he saw that chat was full on hyping up a6d. Yin must have not heard him since she was picking up the eyeshadow that he had chosen for him to wear. So, he asked once more when Yin was facing him accidentally spooking her.

"Oh, I've been practicing for about a year before we met and sill do. It's pretty fun." She replied to him as she began to put the purple eyeshadow on his lids. The touch of the brush was incredibly soft and each stroke was pleasant. After about five minutes of feeling a soft brush on his other lid, he felt a liquid eyeliner going over the eyeshadow.

"Ok, I need you to open your eyes so I can put mascara on your lashes." Yin picked up a mascara tube that said to increase the volume of the lashes. A6d opened his eyes and looked down, he knew this from random makeup videos and Yin doing her own makeup, the wand of the mascara lightly touched his lash line as Yin moved it up. Yin moved to the other eye and did the same thing as she did to the first eye. Once she finished she grabbed the lipstick and opened it. She told a6d to purse his lips to she wouldn't mess up, he did as followed and felt the lip stick slid across his lips. He did the lip movement that he sees on videos and heard a chair sliding across the floor and a hairspray going.

"What are you doing?" A6d asked in confusion as he sees the chat from the corner of his eyes going insane with how good he looks. Sapnap let out the wolf whistle and started to give him many complaints saying how amazing he looks. He felt Yin teasing the hair extensions to give it more volume.

"Teasing your hair. Also Sapnap, please keep the fact that you want to bang him off of the stream?" Yin's comment caused the other two to sputter out nonsense and chat to go hardcore shipping. After about an extra three minutes of hair teasing, Yin finished with a6d's hair. She leaned over and handed a6d the mirror for him to see what he looks like with the makeup and hair done. A6d was in full shock with how different he looks, from the outfit to the makeup and the hair, he looked amazing to say the least.

"I really like it." A6d said after a few seconds of hesitation when he saw himself in the mirror. Yin hugged him from where she was standing and said that she had fun doing it and she'll do it again when she visit him again in France.

~Time skip~
The stream finished a few hours later and the two posted a picture on both of their socials. Yin helped a6d with removing the makeup and hair extensions, a6d put on an oversized sweater that reached his mid-thighs and a pair of shorts that barely peaked out from the hem of the sweater. Sapnap was still on call and the three were talking about anything that they could think of. However, Sapnap kept on complementing a6d with how beautiful he looks. Yin took noticed that the two are pinning idiots for each other and are hopelessly in love with one another.

'Maybe Lucario and the others can help me.' Yin thought as the two started a completing war and Sapnap was obviously winning.

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