still into you

67 2 24

Trigger warnings: abusive past relationships, homophobic slurs and anxiety attacks
A6d's real name is going to be used

A6d looked at his outfit that Bad had chosen for him, a black cropped leather jacket with a dark purple shirt, gray belt with an orange buckle in the front, a pair of violet baggy pants and high black boots. Bad did an amazing job on picking out an outfit for him to wear for his, Sapnap and Ranboo's performance later in the week. He got a text from Dream, telling him to get onto call so everyone could discus any last minute ideas for the concert and so he joined the call that the others where in. Sapnap and Karl both are in the call, but are muted and so a6d thought that the two are doing something else that would cause a lot of noise. He heard Bad, Quackity and Dream talking about ways to make the concert impossible on forget and would have people talk about for weeks and Skeppy and Ranboo were joking around. They noticed that a6d had joined and greeted him to which he greeted them back.

"Alright, so I was thinking about having controlled fire shooting out from the stage near the end of the song." Dream stated with Bad making some concerned noises about how unsafe it could be and Quackity agreeing with Dream. A6d thought about how awesome that would be having fire shot out as the song would end and so he agreed much to Bad's dismay.

"We'll get professionals to check the pyrotechnics and show us how they work and have a6d stand a bit further back so he doesn't get injured." Skeppy popped in trying to help Bad calm down. This did help Bad with calming down and asked if, instead of fire, they used sparklers to which Dream and Quackity agreed since they didn't know how hot the fire would be and didn't want anyone to get hurt. Sapnap and Karl unmuted and said that they had some stuff to do and that they finished with what they were doing. They did hear what the idea was and are on board with it and asked if instead of the having the sparks going off at the end, it should be when the first chorus starts to make the show a more spectacular sight and everyone agreed to the idea. Since a6d, Sapnap and Ranboo would be on stage, one of them would have to do it, with a supervisor looking over everything.

"This is going to be awesome. I just hope that you-know-who won't be there." What a6d means by "you-know-who" was his ex-girlfriend who was rather toxic to him during their two year relationship and he had broken with her about a year ago, which didn't go so well on a6d's part. The others knew how painful that relationship was and knew that a6d didn't like to go into details about it and don't push him to tell them about it. There was a long silence after a6d made that statement and soft sobbing coming from a6d.

*Flashback to one year ago the day before the break up*

A6d looked at his girlfriend, who was yelling at him for messing up again. It doesn't matter how hard he tried, to her a6d messes everything up and it's all his fault. She would wear all reds every single day and night, making it look as if she killed something in a very brutal way. Her red eyes painfully pierced into a6d's violet eyes, causing him to quiver in fear.

"You always fuck up breakfast, lunch and dinner. I've spent so much money on takeouts for myself." She voiced her, rather minor and not so serious, fury into a6d's face. Tears started to fall down a6d's face since he has been dealing with this type of treatment for almost two years now and he doesn't know if he could take it anymore. He felt a hard slap going across his face causing him to be scared of his girlfriend. When they first met, she was a very happy and sweet person, but soon she became controlling, abusive, manipulative and cold to him, but in public she was seen as the same old person before they had started dating.

Dreamnotfound, Skephalo, Sap6d oneshots and fan art Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα