A suprise "switch" (part 3)

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Sapnap couldn't help but to feel like he's on top of the world. a6d, his crush, just said "I love you" back to him. He looked at a6d's sleeping face, Sapnap couldn't help but both smile and blushed.
'a6d looks so adorable when he's asleep. He looks like an angel.' Sapnap took a closer look at a6d's face and saw freckles lightly dusted across his cheeks as if a paint brush was flickered across his cheeks.
'Freckles? Welp, theres now more reasons on why I find a6d just super adorable.' He brought his hand up and ran his hand through a6d's long black hair again that same as the morning. The gray eyed male's hand going through a6d's hair which made a6d stir. Once awake, the violet eyed male brought his own hand onto Sapnap's hand. a6d loves the feeling of Sapnap's hand since the older's hands where very warm from his fire magic.
"Hi." a6d's small smile made Sapnap's blushing face more red.
"Hey." Sapnap moved his body up towards his wall, instead of moving up a6d stayed and was basically on the taller's stomach/ lower chest looking up at Sapnap and a6d laid his head onto Sapnap's lower chest.
"Comfortable?" Sapnap gave the shorter a small smile and placed both of his hands on the shorter's back while a6d has both of his hands up onto the older's chest. The two didn't say anything, both gray and violet eyes looked back at the other's.
"Never notice that you had freckles on your cheeks, more reasons on why you're so adorable." The gray eyed male brought both of his hands to a6d's cheeks and squished them causing a6d to make an adorable small squeal and brought his gray hands onto Sapnap's. The white bandanna wearing male dropped his hands from the shorter's cheeks and placed his hands onto his bed, a6d decided to move his body upwards so he'll be closer to Sapnap's chest and the shorter's small smile dropped which Sapnap seemed to have notice.
"I thought you were comfortable." Sapnap commented and brought his hands back onto a6d's back not really knowing what else to do.
"I just wanted to hear your heartbeat. It helps me to know that the arrow didn't hit anything major." The pained tone in a6d's voice broke Sapnap's heart into many pieces. He didn't mean to scare any of his friends from that action, he didn't mean to scare a6d to the point where a6d thought that he'll get killed. Sapnap sat up, spooking a6d a bit, which caused the other to sat up as well and wrapped his arms around a6d's waist tightly. With a6d on Sapnap's lap, his hands between both of their chest and had his head underneath Sapnap's chin.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare anyone. I just... i just wanted to impress you." Sapnap brought his left hand and placed it on his face covering a massive blush forming on his face.
"Impress me? Sappy, you already did impress me quite awhile ago." a6d moved his head from underneath the taller's chin to look up at Sapnap and smiled at Sapnap's embarrassment. The gray skinned moved Sapnap's hand from his face and smiled at the taller male.
"When did I impressed you?" Sapnap looked down confused at the person sitting one his lap.
"When you stopped a phantom from attacking us with your powers. It also sparked my crush on you." a6d's face started to form a blush. Knowing that Dream is probably bugging the other four with something weird or out with George, Sapnap cupped a6d's face and kissed him.

'Sapnap is really kissing me! He's kissing me!' a6d closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck. a6d felt Sapnap's tongue pushing between the shorter's lips. Not ready to push further, a6d pushed away from the kiss with a very red face from the amount of blush on his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm not ready to take anything pass a kiss." He brought his hands back and placed them on to his lap looking very embarrassed.
"It's ok, I should've asked before I asked." Sapnap moved his right hand from the shorter's waist to the back of his neck with a giant blush across his face. a6d moved off of the taller's lap and sat next to him resting his head on Sapnap's shoulder.
"Simp." a6d whispered, but Sapnap heard him and brought both of his hands and placed them back on a6d's cheeks which made the two laugh.
"M sorry." Sapnap removed his hands from a6d's face and placed them on his lap, both of them still laughing from the shorter's choice of words. Then the silence was then interrupted by a6d's screams of pain.

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