Headcannons that I have (Skephalo)

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Skeppy asked Bad to be his boyfriend
•Skeppy planned its for weeks and asked his friends to help
•Skeppy had a bouquet of roses to give to Bad
•Bad said yes and was blushing like crazy

Skeppy still trolls Bad, but in more of a flirting way
•Sometimes Bad will wake up to chocolates next to his bed
•"Hey Bad you have something on your face *kiss* it was me"
•Of course the "sit on my boyfriend's lap while he's playing a game"

Skeppy likes to pet Bad's hair
•It calms Bad when he's stress with whatever
•Skeppy just likes how soft Bad's hair is and will spend lots of time just petting Bad's hair
•Sometimes Bad will fall asleep since having your head petted is calming

Despite being tall, Bad likes being the little spoon and being carried around
•Skeppy is stronger than he looks
•Bad does sometimes fall asleep while being carried
•Skeppy likes having Bad in his arms since he knows that Bad is protected

Skeppy likes to wear Bad's hoodies
•Skeppy does wear pants (you heathens)
•Bad thinks that it's adorable that Skeppy looks smol and blushes
•Skeppy has stolen at least two of Bad's hoodies (Skeppy plans on stealing more)

Bad doesn't understand sexual jokes (I don't think IRL Bad understand sexual joke)
•He'll ask Skeppy what the jokes mean so he can understand the jokes, but Skeppy doesn't explain the jokes
•Sometimes Bad would make a sex joke on accident , but Skeppy wouldn't laugh he would just giggle
•When Bad does get the joke (which is really rare), he would blush for hours

Bad hates horror anything
•After either playing a horror game or watching a horror movie, he'll cling to Skeppy
•Skeppy doesn't mind that Bad clings to him for hours after plus Skeppy thinks that it's adorable
•Bad would get nightmares and would cling harder to Skeppy and of course Skeppy doesn't mind

Ok so, this will include GoodBoyHalo, but I like the idea that when Bad gets full on angry he turns into GoodBoyHalo.

What makes Bad turn into Good
•His friends getting severely injured
•Bad bring in a really dangerous situation
•Last resort for anything to save himself or his friends

What turns Good back into Bad
•Hugs from his friends (Skeppy usually hugs Good to turn back into Bad)
•Time (that will take several hours)
•Muffins that has a special potion (taste like nothing and has a red glow to it)

Up next: Dreamnotfound

Dreamnotfound, Skephalo, Sap6d oneshots and fan art Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora