Love Story

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Note: Mine and Sap6d_ personas aren't shipped with anyone. In this we are platonically in love. Minor swearing. Also a6d real name would be used once

Lucario and Yin had been hanging out in Sapnap's room for a while, wondering when he'll be there. The two of them scrolled through their phones while talking about anything they could think of.

"So, what do you think Sapnap wants?" Lucario asked, causing Yin to put her phone down and look at the other.

"Don't know. He was really vague and he was also talking rather fast for me to understand." Yin leaned back against the desk chair she was sitting on. After what felt like an eternity, Sapnap entered his room, but remained at the door frame with a small box in his hand. Lucario smirked and leaned forward, placing their elbows on his knees.

"Finally going to propose to Xem~?" Lucario said in a rather teasing tone causing Sapnap to blush and stumble on his words. Yin stood up from the chair she was sitting on and walked to Sapnap, placing her hands onto his shoulders.

"That's amazing, but why did you call us here? Surly, it makes more sense to have a6d here." She removes her hands and placed them at her side while Sapnap fumbled with the box.

"Well, I want to make the proposal special and unforgettable. I need some help from you two." Sapnap walked into his room and laid down on the bed, next to Lucario, a sigh escaped from his mouth as he smiled.

"What's the idea you have?" Yin asked while playing with her many bracelets as she walked to where the other two are at. Sapnap sat up and pointed to a folder that was in his desk, Lucario got up and grabbed it and handed to him.

"Since a6d loves music, I've been thinking about proposing to him with a song." Sapnap opened the folder and looked through the pages that was in there until he found on labeled "perfect proposing plan".

"Ok, but why us? Just play a song and propose to him." Lucario stated while Yin nodded in agreement. Sapnap let out a sigh causing the two to look at him. Yin leaned closer and noticed a margin was written on the side of it.

"Love Story minor key cover? Lucario playing piano with me singing?" Yin looked at Sapnap with a confused look, Lucario looked over and took the paper to look at.

"You come onto the stage with a ring while Yin is singing "he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and say" and then you sing the last part of the song. Wow, you really thought this through." Lucario handed Yin the paper while Sapnap blushed. Handing back the papers to Sapnap, Yin smiled and jumped up and down.

"I love this idea. How long have you've been planning this?" Yin asked. Sapnap began counting on his fingers while muttering rather softly.

"Almost a year. We've been dating for almost four years now and we both have been talking about getting married." Sapnap placed the paper back in his folder and help it close to his chest as a small smile formed across his face. The other two looked at each other and nodded. Lucario placed his hand on Sapnap's shoulder and gave him a smile.

"We'll help. Just give us the detail and we can make this the perfect proposal." Lucario said with much determination with Yin smiling and giving Sapnap thumbs up. Sapnap smiled at his two friends and thanked them.

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