"I won't leave you."

184 3 17

Requested by: IchiStudios
Trigger warning: death threats, vomiting, anxiety attacks, and homophobic slurs (this kinda hurts me, if you're uncomfortable with homophobic slurs please don't read this. I have other stories that don't have homophobic slurs)

Also Skeppy and a6d in this story are acquainted so they talk to each other in a civil manner

Don't play the song yet

Sapnap couldn't believe that a6d was coming out to the same hotel where he and his friends where going to stay. He was already at the hotel waiting for George and now a6d, he turned his head to see that Skeppy and Bad were talking about something but he didn't hear much. He heard the door to the hotel open and saw George and another guy, a6d. George rushed over to Dream and gave him a hug and the two started to talk to each other about a video idea, Sapnap looked over to a6d and saw that he was looking down at his feet with his arms crossing over the other.

"Come on, lets get the keys to our room." Dream spoke up to the others, the six of them walked to the table which a middle-aged women was sitting reading a book. She looked up to see the six males and asked for a name. Dream did an early booking for three rooms, so it would be two people per room. George and Dream agreed to share a room, Skeppy and Bad agreed to share as well, and so that leaves Sapnap with a6d. Sapnap wasn't too thrilled to share a room with a6d.

'Just don't talk to him, its only just  for like a week.' Sapnap thought to himself while taking the key that Dream handed to him. He turned to a6d and motioned him to follow him, a6d slowly followed him. The two walked to the elevator, Sapnap pushed the third floor button and the two waited in awkward silence. Sapnap looked at a6d and saw that a6d was pulling the sleeve of his sweater over his hands. The elevator reached the third floor, a6d rushed out of the elevator with Sapnap walking behind him with the key in his hand.

"Here's our room." Sapnap unlocked the door to their room and walked in, a6d followed in suit and rushed to the bed furtherest to the door and sat down with his bag next to him. Sapnap watched him taking a book out of his bag and started to flip though the pages and began reading it. Sapnap just turned to the other bed and sat down on the bed and took out his phone and scrolled through it. The silence in the room was incredibly uncomfortable between them, but neither bothered to even speak to the other. Sapnap looked at a6d once again to see that he's looking back at him.

"Yes?" He didn't mean to sound cold, its just that he was annoyed that he was rooming with a6d. a6d seemed to jump at the cold tone from Sapnap's voice.

"I don't know your name and I didn't want to disturb you." a6d's face blushed from embarrassment and he brought the book that he's reading close to his chest. Sapnap couldn't help but smirk, here he thought that a6d was some cold person in reality a6d was a blushing mess and asking for his name.

"Sapnap." He turned back to his phone and continued to scroll through his phone. He heard a6d humming in response and page flipping from his book.

~Time skip~
It was around 6 pm when the group decided to go and get dinner from the cafe area. Sapnap and a6d hasn't talk to each other since that little awkward name exchange earlier that day and so they just did their own thing. Since the line at the food bar was short, they got their food and walked to a table where George, Dream, Bad and Skeppy were sitting at. Instead of walking to the table, a6d walked to an unoccupied table that was in the corner of the cafe.

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