A suprise "switch" (part 2)

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Slight trigger warning: slight anxiety attack

Once the two were downstairs in the kitchen, the six friends began to eat. Sapnap still couldn't help, but to look at a6d. He felt his face getting hotter and notice that the others were looking at him, minus a6d who kept on eating his breakfast not really minding the silence. However, after a couple of minutes, a6d looked up from his food to see the others, all of them looking at a very blushed Sapnap.
"You ok Sapnap?" The one being asked turned to look at a6d and blushed even more when a6d tilted his head to the right waiting for an answer.
"Y-yeah, I'm ok." He gave a6d a small smile, in which, a6d lightly blushed in return and smiled back.

~Time skip~
The six friends continued on their quest on finding a way to switch a6d back, but still haven't found anything that can help. a6d left the "library" with Sapnap to head back to the latter's room. The shortest sat crisscrossed on Sapnap's bed looking down at his hands which sat in his lap, then Sapnap sat next to a6d and wrapped his arm around his shoulder to comfort him.
"What if this is permanent? What if we don't find anything?" Sapnap looked down at a6d. Even with his blindfold on, Sapnap knew that his eyes were tearing up.
"We will find a way to reverse this." He brought his other arm and gave a6d a hug and in return a6d turned his placed his head in the crook of Sapnap's neck and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's lower torso. Sapnap felt a6d's blindfold getting wet.
"Hey a6d?"
"Shouldn't you take off your blindfold? It's probably uncomfortable with you crying and with it over your eyes its might be best if your eyes breath while you're crying?" Sapnap's question made a6d look up. Even though his eyes are covered, Sapnap could tell that a6d looks worried.
"Umm I guess, but-"
"But what?"
"My eyes don't really match."
"I'm not following. I'm sure your eyes are beautiful, if I'm being honest I always wanted to see your eyes." Sapnap's smile brightened the semi dark mood in the room.
"Ok." a6d removed his arms, brought his hands to the blindfold, pulled it over his head and placed the blindfold next to on his right side on the bed. However, a6d kept his eyes closed and head down still unsure how the taller's reaction would be if he sees his eyes.
"It's just me. No matter what your eyes looks like, you'll still be the most beautiful person I have ever seen." a6d smiled and blushed from Sapnap's adorable statement. With the little confidence boost that Sapnap gave him, a6d slowly brought his head up so Sapnap can see his face and a6d opened his eyes very slowly.

Sapnap couldn't believe that a6d's eyes were a bright purple. Almost a violet coloured that could rival the actual flower. Sapnap could see a blush forming on a6d's face.
"Your eyes are more beautiful than I could ever imagine. It's like if violet petals were painted over your eyes." This caused a6d to blush even more than he already is.
"Thanks, growing up other kids used to make fun of my eyes and their parents told my parents that I'm "cursed". I started to wear a blindfold when I was about 11 and I was still able to see through it, but at least I wasn't made fun of." a6d eye's started to gather tears from the memories and some began to roll down his cheeks. Sapnap cupped a6d's face to wipe tears from a6d's violet eyes with his thumbs. The violet eyed male (female?) brought his own hands up, cupped Sapnap's hands and gave him a small smile. Sapnap removed his hands from a6d's cheeks and wrapped his arms around a6d's waist and hugged him tightly, a6d was able to turn his body so he can face him and returned the hug, by wrapping his arms around Sapnap's torso and placeing his head in the crook of his neck. The two sat there in comfortable silence holding each other, but that ended as soon as it began.
"Hey guys, you want to go on an adventure?" The green hooded cock-blocker it back at it again. The two let go of the other and Sapnap turned to face Dream.
"I guess." a6d's feminine voice rang through Sapnap's ear like music.
"I'm down."
"Ok, meet by the mines in 30 minutes." Dream started as blunt as always, he turned and closed the door behind him.
'Second time Dream interrupted our moment.' Sapnap thought to himself. He turned back to a6d and saw that a6d was tearing up.
"Dream saw me, without my blindfold." Tears started to fall from a6d's face and brought his hands to cover his face with tears streaming down his cheeks. The small whimpers from a6d caused Sapnap's heart to break in pieces.

'Dream just saw me without my blindfold. What if tells the others? What if they hate me for my eyes?' a6d's thoughts almost drowned every sound in Sapnap's room. a6d leaned forward into the crook of Sapnap's neck, with his hands still covering his face. a6d felt Sapnap move his head so that it was on top of his and felt Sapnap's arms loosely wrapping around his waist. A small smile appeared on a6d's face, he then a6d slid his hands from his face and Sapnap's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's mid-section. The French's breathing started to return to a normal pace and his crying stopped.
"Will the others hate me?" That question caused Sapnap to remove his head from the top of the shortest and looked at a6d in with a very concerned look, which also caused a6d to remove his head from the crook of Sapnap's neck and looked at Sapnap.
"Hate you? For what?" Sapnap moved his left hand from the shorter's waist and placed his hand on the top of a6d's head.
"My eyes. My eyes aren't really normal." a6d's violet eyes averted from Sapnap and his face turned a light pink in embarrassment.
"They won't hate you, they'll probably think that your eyes are amazing." Sapnap pulled a6d close to his body and hugged him again.

~Small time skip~
a6d decided to not wear his blindfold on the group's adventure. Still scared on how the others would react, Sapnap held a6d's hand while a6d had his eyes closed and was looking down. Once the two got to the mines, the other four were confused on why a6d was looking down with his eyes closed and for why Sapnap is holding a6d's hand.
"Yes Bad?"
"Why is a6d looking down, with his eyes closed and why are you holding his hand?" Bad's dark green eyes looked  between the two of them.
"It's something that I should have told you guys earlier." a6d's voice sounded timid, which confused the other four. Sapnap let go of a6d's hand and wrapped his arm around a6d and then a6d lifted his head up so the others can see his face, but kept his eyes closed.
"Why are your eyes still closed?" Dream asked the shortest.
"It's about my eyes." a6d didn't even wait for the others to respond and opened his eyes to show violet eyes. To say that the others were amazed would be a huge understatement.
"A6D, YOUR EYES ARE AMAZING!" Bad shouted as he was now in front of a6d just looking at a6d's eyes as if they were rare gems.
"Dude, your eyes are really awesome!" Skeppy stood next to Bad.
"They're... blue?" Looks like they forgot that George was colored blind.
"Violet." Sapnap responded to their colored blind friend while removing his arm from a6d and grabbed a6d's hand to hold which caused the two to blush and of course the others notice.
"Let's go." Dream announced.

~Time skip~
After the group's adventure, both Sapnap and a6d where sitting on Sapnap's bed just resting, well more like a6d treating Sapnap's injuries from a skeleton's arrow that got lounge into his arm.
"That was pretty stupid of you to run at the skeleton without a shield." a6d told Sapnap as he continued to wrap gaze to stop the bleeding from the arrow getting removed.
"At least I had eaten a golden apple or the bleeding would have been worse." Sapnap smiled at the long haired who sat next to him. Sapnap regretted his last part of his sentence once he saw a6d's eyes glossed over with tears and a6d stopped wrapping the gaze. Sapnap took his uninjured arm to a6d's cheek and brought a6d's face up for him to see.
"Y-you could've been killed." a6d let the gaze wrap fall from his hands onto the floor and hugged Sapnap crying into his shoulder. The injured one brought his arm his a6d's face down to his waist.
After a minute a6d removed himself from the hug to finish fixing the gaze on Sapnap's arm.
Once finished, the shortest laid on top of Sapnap with Sapnap's arms wrapped around a6d.
"I love you." Sapnap whispered softly.
Blushing a6d responded.
"I love you too."

Part three coming up

Dreamnotfound, Skephalo, Sap6d oneshots and fan art Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt