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Dara was so full of mixed emotions as she listened to Jiyong's heartfelt confessions. She herself had also fallen deeper to this man who had been hiding in her heart for the longest time. She has been waiting for this moment ever since the beach event that they had in high school.

During the time that she was with Il Woo. She did loved him to the best she could. But she wasn't in love with him the way she's been in love with Jiyong. She too was heartbroken every time she sees him with different women but it is what it was back then and this is now.

Taking a deep breath with eyes closed she tried to calm herself down as much as she could handle. As she opened her eyes she found that Jiyong is in deep thought with his head down waiting for her reply.

"Yes." That is all Dara said  in a very low tone of her voice which at first Jiyong did not quite hear. But he snapped his head up as he tried to grasped what she had just said. His face was also full of mixed emotions but when he saw her giving him a sweet and shy smile, he knew right away. But he still wants to confirm.

"W...what did you just say?" He asked in a whispering tone with hopeful emotion showing in his eyes.

Dara nervously and shyly looked into his eyes with a shaky smile flustered on her face once again said. "Yes, I will marry you Kwon Jiyong."

Jiyong froze for a bit but quickly recovered and started taking shaky deep breaths with the happiest emotion flustered in his face. He suddenly got up and did an air punch with a "Wooohooo!" as he screamed it out loud not caring who can hear him.

Dara on the other hand did not know how to react to that one but happiness is showing in her face as she watched the man she loves. She covered her face as she started feeling the heat on both sides of her cheeks.

Jiyong suddenly hugged her and both fell on the bed as they lost their balance. They were both laughing with so much happiness not realizing their current position. Then suddenly they both calmed down bit by bit staring into each other's eyes. Jiyong gently ran his right hand on her flustered face. Taking a mental note of how she looked like at this very moment after he proposed to her.

"God, oh how he loves this woman who is right now wrapped around his arm and under him." He thought to himself.

He then took her left hand took out their other engagement ring that she's been wearing and put it on her right middle finger. He now took their new engagement ring out of the box and placed it on her left fourth finger and sealed it with a lingering kiss.

Almost whispering as he gently caressed her face he said, "I love you so much and I will never let you go my love. You are mine in this lifetime." Jiyong then is slowly bringing his lips down to her lips and both are awaiting excitedly for their lips to finally touch.

When their lips finally found each other it was full of love and passion. They were both taken aback on how much passion and desires they feel for each other. Jiyong softly bit Dara's lower lip as he is asking for an entrance which she allowed. Their tongue was like a sword dancing sweetly together and cannot get enough. The moment is getting hotter as they both stopped grasping for air feeling each other without a word.

The desires in their eyes and along their heart apears to be the ones communicating to each other. Jiyong's eyes seems to be asking Dara if he should continue because he doesn't think he can ever hold himself back anymore. He needs to have her right now. He gasped as he saw her nervously nod her head in agreement. Giving him permission to finally and officially make her his.

"Are you sure?" He asked her in a low raspy voice. "Because I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore."

Dara took a deep breath once more as she closed her eyes preparing herself and making sure that she is ready for what is to come. When she finally opened her eyes she whispered her answer. "I love you Jiyong with all my heart. I trust you."

That is all Jiyong would like to know and hear from her as a confirmation. He took her lips hard, not exactly what he wants to do. He does not want to hurt her but he just got so excited. His kiss was a bit rough at first but he started to slow down not wanting to scare her. He went from her lips to the side of her cheeks down to her neck to where her sensitive spot is. He smirked without lifting his lips away as he heard her gasped when he hit her sensitive spot. He continued to do so making both of them get lost at the heat of the moment. Jiyong then continued down to her chest making sure he taste every single part of her memorizing her taste, her reaction to everything.

Dara was not sure how Jiyong was able to take her clothes and bra off of her and only left her panty on. Jiyong himself is also now just have his boxer left and the rest is gone. She gasped suddenly when she felt Jiyong's lips on her bare breast as he caressed her other breast with his hand. A moan escaped from her as Jiyong played with her breast with his wonderful mouth.

Jiyong went down from kissing her breasts to her stomach and Dara's sweet moaning is like music to his ears. Listening to each and every sound of her moan turns him on even more. His hands and his mouth are exploring her entire body memorizing them in his mind. He is now by her lower abdomen and can already feel her panty just below. He slowly took her panty off without taking his lips away. Dara's moaning is becoming louder as he gets closer and closer to her clit. He finally reached her clit and gave it a long sweet licks. Dara then arched her back at the sensation resulting from Jiyong's tongue on her clit. Jiyong then slowly slide his middle finger in her as he memorized her beautiful hairless vagina from her soft and pinkish clit to her opening.

His finger continued to go in and out of her but this time he added another finger. He can feel her tightness as he explore her now with his mouth. He likes the smell and taste of her. He started licking her clit at the same time f*****g her with his fingers. His c*ck is getting harder and seems to be asking for release out of his boxer and so he did. He lavished her p***y and not planning to stop until she release her orgasm.

Dara was losing her mind. She's in the moment where she has never experienced before. This desire that she doesn't know where it's going or when it's going to end. Jiyong is doing something wonderful to her and all she can do is arched her back while grubbing the blanket so tight above her and an everlasting moans that she cannot control.

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