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Dara finished first and was just waiting for Jiyong who is obviously taking his time. She put her arms up to stretch took off her spectacle put it on the table and squished the bridge of her nose as her eyes closed. She feels really drained because of the whole situation. She then put both of her forearms on the table and slowly placed her head on it. Her eyes are starting to drift close and she allowed it only for a little while.

Jiyong finally finished his list and he also stretched his arm out with eyes closed. When he opened his eyes he saw Dara who seemed to have fallen asleep on the table. He noticed that she is not wearing her spectacle and so he took advantage of studying her again.

"She surely is beautiful, her skin is glowing under the sun. Her nose is really cute and her very tempting to be kissed." He thought to himself. But little did he know that he was leaning closer to her face and gave in to temptation and softly kissed her lips. As soon as he felt her lips to his he moved right away. Stunned to what he just did, he looked up with eyes closed he was cussing at himself and accidentally wet his lips as he tasted her lips.

"Damn, her lips is so soft and it tastes so f*** good with strawberry flavor. Uggh!!! What am I doing?" He kind of said it out loud which made Dara stirred and opened her eyes.

Dara opened her eyes upon hearing a voice. She still have her head down while looking around then she remembered and blinked a couple of times, then suddenly lifted her head up. Tightly closed her eyes for a bit and as she opened it Jiyong was staring at her. They locked eyes again but then she realized that she is not wearing her spectacle grabbed it from the table and quickly put it on.

Jiyong was struck as he started feeling tightness in his chest, he feels like somebody was squishing his heart and it's making him hard to breath. He saw her bare face without her spectacle on and...

"Damn.. damn it all!" He was saying as he stood up. He can't seem to keep his heart rate to go back to it's normal beating.

"Wh-what's wrong? What happened?" Dara asked in confusion.

"What's wrong? How could you fall asleep so easily like that? What happens if somebody takes advantage of you and your by yourself? Don't you even think about any of this stuff?" Jiyong blurted out, but he can't seem to understand if he's mad at her for being a temptress or at himself for falling to temptation.

Dara could only stare at him in shock but recovered fast enough. She stood up herself and started pacing as she also sarcastically blurt out by saying

"First off...this is my house. All of these...are part of my house. I can fall asleep anywhere may it be in or out here it don't matter. Nobody can just come in here unless they are invited or forced themselves to get in. Now...there's only the two of us out here and correct me if I'm wrong even though we both feel disgusted with each other, I'm sure that you would protect me. Maybe by some miracle that you may have a good heart somewhere deep down in you and you will come to your senses to protect me. So, tell me again who would take advantage of me?" She stopped on her track and suspiciously looked at him. "Unless..." She stopped again with a suspicious look on her face. "Did you do something to me when I was sleeping?"

Jiyong made a loud hissed sound and said as he diverted his eyes somewhere else but her. "Pfft. Why would I bother to do that? Are you still in the dreamland or something? You're completely awake
now but if you're still not and still dreaming about me..." He stopped awkwardly but still continued as he put on his bad boy aura and turned to her. "Wey, you probably dreamt about me kissing you huh? I can make that a reality if you want?" He playfully teased her.

Dara rolled her eyes and sarcastically responded in disgust. "Ewww! No! N.O.! No! Eww!

Jiyong gave her a smirked and discreetly took a deep breath as he looked away and quickly closed his eyes.

"You know what? Wait are you even done writing your stuff?"
She looked at him with the the raised eye brow.

"Been done, but somebody decided to take a nap." He answered her sarcastically as he sat back down on the bench.

Dara took a deep breath before walking back to the table and picked up her paper and gave it him.

"Here let's exchange papers and review it. Then we'll discuss about it and make the final agreement."

Jiyong gave his paper to her. "What are we in grade school."

Dara only rolled her eyes as she started reading his. But as she's reading it, she cannot help but to furrowed her brows the whole entire time. She hissed out loud as she finished. She glared at him and was shaking her head from side to side.

Jiyong creased his brows and blurted out. "What!?"

"Are you actually serious about all these?" She mockingly asked him as she waived the paper in front of him. With eye rolling. "Anyways. Let's start. I'll write down our final agreement."

Jiyong's Agreement:
1. I'm allowed to date other women until before the day of our marriage.
2. I will stay away from you whenever we're at school.
3. Pretend that we do not know each other while at school or anywhere.
4. I can use you to go out on a date with another woman.
5. Pretend to be sweet whenever our parents are around.

Dara's Agreement:
1. I should also be allowed to date other guys openly until before the day of our marriage.
2. Do not bother me when I'm busy with the exception of life and death situation.
3. Ignore me while at school or anywhere else.
4. Pretend to be sweet in front of our parents.

They both signed the final agreement paper. Jiyong took a picture and so did Dara. She folded the paper in half with both of their signatures on it. She ripped it in half and gave hers to Jiyong and she kept his other half.

"There. We are set and just make sure to keep your part of the bargain and so will I do the same." She folded her part of the paper and placed it behind her phone inside her phone case.
Jiyong did the same.

When they both finished they locked their eyes with each other again. After a good while just in time both parents came to them excitedly. Well, mostly the mothers.

"How are you two doing?" Mrs. Kwon spoke up first.

"Were you two able to share stuff with each other?" Mrs. Park asked.

Both Dara and Jiyong simultaneously answered the question differently. Dara answering Mrs. Kwon and Jiyong answering Mrs. Park. Laughter filled the awkwardness of the two as they joined them with a fake laugh while looking at each other and the parents.

The Kwon left soon after that.

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