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The group of friends decided to have a party of their own at Top's studio that same night as well as Jiyong's return. He agreed on one condition. For them not to ask him of where he was and that he will tell them when he's ready to tell them. That it may not be the last time that he might be gone all of a sudden. They were all shocked but did agreed anyways. But Top and Bae were getting a hint since they were once enlisted themselves. They both looked at each other and Jiyong did not missed that. Then they looked at Jiyong and all of three of them had an understanding just like having an eye communication. Though Top and Bae were shocked they understand what is going on.

Jiyong did not approach Dara until that evening when she arrived with the girls. He was already there with the boys and Hyo Rin when the girls arrived. He was holding a bottle of beer while talking to Top by the bar as he was half sitting half standing on the stool facing everyone and the front door. The front door opened as the girls came from Bom, Minzy, CL then Dara.

Jiyong had his eyes glued on the door as each girls started coming in one by one. There he saw her finally. She's wearing short skirt that is almost halfway her thighs. Her cold shoulder top with mini plunging front that shows a bit more of her perky breasts made him gasped as his manhood is awakening. Her hair is in a messy bun that exposes more of her skin. She had matched her outfit with a dangling pair of earrings and flat summer sandals. He was checking her out from head to toe and it's driving him insane.

Dara scanned the room as soon as she came in and there she saw him checking her out from head to toe. She silently giggled as she shook her head to hide her blushed and giggles. She intentionally dressed like this to capture his reaction towards her. To find out if she still has that effect on him. If he still feel the same way about her. Though she finished it with only a mascara and lip gloss. She was not disappointed at all because it worked she could tell.

"Hello everyone! Hi! Anyeong!"

The girls are all greeting everyone at the same time while Dara just smiled and bowed her head.

The boys then automatically went to each of their partner, except for Jiyong. He waited until the girls came up to him and gave him a hug while his eyes are once in a while gazing at Dara. Though she at first tries to avoid his eyes but at the was their turn to greet each other. Their eyes locked and a bit of awkwardness run through them but Jiyong made the first move.

"Hello Dara!"

He said it so low that it sounded so sexy to her ears.

"Hello Jiyong!"

She said it in a whisper liked tone that gave Jiyong chills in his body.

"How have you been?"

Jiyong asked.

Dara gave him a tight lip smile and said.


She was bobbing her head from a bit. Then she returned the question.

"How about you?"

Jiyong's jaw flinched a bit and she saw how sexy it looks.

"I'm good."


"Would you like something to drink?"

"Uhmm...sure. Thank you."

"What would you like?"


Jiyong lightly smirked happily in discreet before nodding his head and turned to walk to the bar. It looks like she remembered the drink I mixed for her the last time they were here together. He was smiling as he was making it as his back is facing her.

Dara took a sharp intake of breath when he turned away from her to the bar. She was fanning her blushed face with her hand as she was trying to get herself together for she is feeling nervous to the max that is making her body shiver. She decided to sit on the stool next to where he was occupying as she waits for him.

Jiyong then finished the drink he made for her mixing with a tablespoon of alcohol only for her. He still remember that she doesn't have a high tolerance in alcohol. When he turned he found her sitting on the stool next to his. He then walked back to sit next to her as he hand her the drink.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

Their hands brushed with each other and there it is...the sparks of electricity which ran through both of their body is still there. They both looked at each other and locked for a while. Each are trying to come up with something to say and the feeling of longing both reflects in their eyes.

Dara first broke the eye contact as she took a sip of her drink. She closed her eyes as she savored the taste because she had missed this taste even if she only had it once when he last made it for her.

Jiyong kept his eyes on her studying her very carefully. He had missed her so much and he's hands are aching to touch her.

"So...what are you going to do now that you have finally finished college?"

Dara just graduated with a ph degree in psychology. She already took her licensing exam and passed it with flying colors. She's now a doctor of psychology.

"Uhmm...I will be working at Seoul University Hospital in a month."

Jiyong was shocked upon hearing this but then again they never really talked about their personal life to begin with.

"Really? Doing...what then?"

Dara also knows that this is the first time that they are actually talking about each other's personal life. So she humbly answered him.

"As a general psychologist."

Jiyong's forehead lifted as he proudly smiled at her.

"Wow! That didn't even crossed my mind about you."

Dara frowned at him.

"No. No. I don't mean anything bad by it. It's just that you surprised me half of the time."

She then playfully raised her eyebrow at him. Giving him a quizzical gaze.

"I'm serious. You do. You're amazing in anything that you do. Let me give you an example. That day when I tagged along with you to the children's hospital. I wasn't expecting that. I thought that you were just going to visit a sick child that you might've known. But it turned out that you actually volunteer to make those children happy even for just that time."

Dara sheepishly smiled. Jiyong doesn't know anything about her. Then maybe now is that time to get to know each other.

"You obviously don't know anything about me as much as I don't know anything about you."

"But that is where you are wrong. I may not know a lot of things about your personal daily life. But I am sure I'm quite familiar in your other areas."

Dara's eyes widened and her mouth gaped while her face turned beet red.

Jiyong was enjoying her reaction. I guess he still has that effect on her too. But this time he wants to take it slow and really get to know her.

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