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Five months have passed when Dara and Il Woo became a couple. She found out that her secret admirer back in high who was giving her a single purple rose was none other than Il Woo. She also found out that one of the girls that she normally visit at the children's hospital is his younger sister. Up to this day she hasn't shared her voluntary services with her friends. But ever since Il Woo and her became a couple he would always go with her to visit every Saturday morning. This became their routine and sometimes even after school they would go. She's very happy with Il Woo and very much in love with him. In short they are both madly in love with each other.

They were planning a big event the Saturday coming up and Dara needed all the help she can get for last minute planning. So, she had invited her three closest friends as well as Dae Seungri, Bae and Top who got discharged before their friend Jiyong to help out and they all agreed.

The mini carnival was in full swing and all the kids and their family are out to have fun with the doctor's order.

Bom is overseeing the registration lists of each kids and their family with the doctors note in hand.

CL is overseeing the prizes for the games.

Minzy is overseeing the music section with the DJ.

Seungri and Dae are overseeing all the games.

While Top and Bae are overseeing all the rides.

Il Woo is assisting with the first aid station.

Dara is everywhere. Any questions, issues, assistance she's there.

It was a successful and fulfilling day for everyone as they were able to share their time making a child happy for a day. They were all seated at the empty conference hall after the fun day. Dara called out for the end of the day meeting with dinner.

"Hello everyone! My name is Sandara Park founder of Make A Child Happy for a Day. For those of you who are new to volunteering we have two chapters of the foundation. The original chapter was established back in two thousand nine in Los Angeles, California USA and Korea is the second chapter." Everybody started clapping in excitement. "I was a mere thirteen year old kid when i asked my parents to help me establish this foundation. My martial arts class back then decided to volunteer to teach martial arts to the unfortunate kids at the orphanage. Right there and then when I saw the kids enjoying it I made a promise to myself that I will always volunteer to help. Then I started volunteering at the children's hospital to be the kid's companion for a day. The rest is history. I just want to thank everyone for sharing all their time and talents to make a child happy for a day. We couldn't have done it without you all. On behalf of Make a Child Happy for a Day Foundation, we thank you all. Now please do enjoy the dinner that we have prepared for you as well as a small present for each and everyone of you. Once again, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for making this day possible. God bless us all." Everyone once again cheered and clapped.

Everyone except her friends and boyfriend decided to let the others go first and so Dara went to join them.
They were all unbelievably clapping for her.

"Woah, noona. I am speechless. I didn't know that you have your own foundation. Truly you are amazing." Seungri said still amazed.

"Why do you think I fell with her? She's not only very beautiful from the outside, she's also beautiful from the inside. I have waited for almost three years for her you know." Il Woo said as he wrapped her in his embrace and Dara blushed upon hearing this.

"Dara-ah! How could you hide this from us for so long? We are your best friends. We could've helped since then. You're lucky we love you so much that we forgive you. Next event let us know and we will be happy to help again. Arasso?" Bom said.

"Yes. I'm sorry if I had hid it from you all. It's just that at that time we were still starting the Korea Chapter and to tell you all the truth I don't really like telling people that I am the founder of this foundation. Only very limited people knows and I'm counting on you guys on this please."

They all agreed. Then they all enjoyed their dinner.

"Noona. Thank you. By doing this you have helped me open my eyes for a lot of things. It's a very fulfilling feeling and I cannot express it more. But I feel blessed." Dae said happily.

"Me too unnie. I feel tired but it's a tiredness that is complete. I feel complete for doing something amazing." CL also said. Then everyone shared their feelings as well.

Bae was kind of eyeing Il Woo and Dara because he knows about the engagement of Dara and Jiyong.


Jiyong is getting really excited for the coming discharge day is near. In less than a month he will be able to finished his military service. He was enlisted as active and got promoted as a drill Sargent assistant after his boot camp because they saw a lot of potential in him. He had learned a lot and it's been a satisfying two and a half years for him. He ended up staying for another six months because they wanted to promote him again as an officer which he gladly accepted. Jiyong was actually assigned to a special forces and because of his background in mixed martial arts they offered him a promotion that he cannot refused. His parents were informed that he will need to stay because of the promotion but they don't know what kind of promotion it was because it's top secret.


The day of his discharged his parents and friends came to pick him up. He was so happy to see them all again.

"Woah Hyung! You have gotten big and muscular. Just what exactly kind of training did they trained you for?" The maknae curiously asked.

"Just the basic training what else." Jiyong discreetly dodged the question.

They all went to his house after they picked him up. Had dinner and catch up.

"Son." His father called his attention while they were having dinner. "It seems like you have matured quite a lot and I see could see that in you."

"I do agree with your dad on that sweetheart." His mom said as she reached for his hand across the table.

Jiyong gave his parents a loving smile.
"You really think so? I do also agree. There has been a lot of changes in me for the better though. I have learned a lot when I was in the military."

His parents proudly looked at him.

"By the way appa, omma. Would it be okay if I go out with my friends friends for a bit? I just want to catch up with them."

His parents agreed and so the boys left assuring them that they will not do any crazy stuff.

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