Chapter 14

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"I wanted you to experience being on the other side of things, instead of being the waitress have someone serve you" he said as we walked into my uncles restaurant.

There were new people working, on the weekends and everyone who worked during the week was off. We sat at Ryan's usual table, I had scanned the menu a few times but still didn't know what to get. After ordering our drinks we settled into light hearted conversation.

"So your big fight is next weekend" I said smiling at him, "Yeah I was lucky to even get one because of my age, but Rufous took care of it" he said. "Soon you'll be up there with the stars fighting in the UFC ring and forgetting I even existed" I teased.

He looked up at me seriousness in his eyes, "I'd never forget you. You girls are my top priority right now, and I want you to be there all the way, if you want to that is" he said. I felt overwhelmed, you'd think he just proposed or something. "I'd love to go along for the ride with you" I said taking one of his hands in mine.

"But you have to trust me, and bear with me because it's not going to be easy, and I'm going to be annoying and frustrating and you might even what to beat me up" he said with a smile. "I'd beat you up then keep going with you" I said back, "but I also don't want you to let go of your dreams" seriousness took over him again.

"My only dream is to keep Isa safe and give her a better life then what I had" I said, "now you can make that happen" he said. "Yeah, maybe I'll even get some dreams of my own." Just then the waiter came with our food.

We continued to eat and talk, getting to know each other a little more. We left the restaurant and stopped at the park then got some ice-cream and sat on a nearby bench.

I sighed then a small smile spread across my face as I took in the view. "What?" Ryan asked looking at me, a small smile playing on his lips too. "It just feels so good to relax, no bills to pay, no jobs to run between, no questions to answer" I said.

"Questions?" He asked with a raised brow, I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my fingers. "Isa is still a baby but she's a smart kid for her age, and everytime she asked about her father I...I just freeze I don't know what to say" I ran a hand through my hair.

"And it's not only her, everyone who know's about her wants to know where her father is" I continued. "Well if it makes you feel better, you could just tell them I'm her father." I looked at him with utter shock, "What? I've already taken full responsibility of her, might as well take the title too" he shrugged.

"Ryan that's too much, and anyway we just moved here no one's going to belive  that" I said shaking my head at him. "We met on a summer break a few years ago, now you moved here so we can be closer" he said. "Let's just eat this ice-cream for now and we can take care of other things later" I said looking at the lake in front of me.

"We gotta stop at a toy shop before we go home, or else Isa is going to be mad at me" he said, I chuckled. "What's so funny?" He asked, "you're big and scary looking but you're worried about a 3 year old getting mad at you" I laughed. Ryan laughed with me after taking in my words, "yeah well I really don't want her to get mad" he replied.

We finished our ice-cream then got into his car and drove to a toy shop that he knew. We got out and he started to look around, picking up toys and asking me if Isa would like it. After a while Ryan went off on his own and I was browsing through some stuff.

"Bayliy hey" I look up and see a smiling Megan coming up to me, "hi Megan. What are you doing here?" I asked. "It's my little cousins birthday party so I stopped to get a last minute gift. What about you?"

"Hey Bay you think she'll like this one?" Ryan came up behind me at that moment, Megan's eyes went from me to Ryan then back to me. "Oh you two are here toghter" she said looking between us. "Yeah, we're here to buy something too" I said, "oh really, one of your siblings?" She pushed. "Actually it's for our daughter" Ryan cut in.

Megan's eyes went as wide as saucers when she heard him say that. "Y-you t-t-two have a da-daughter?" She asked still in shock, "yeah just dropped by to get her something" Ryan replied.

She seemed to have composed herself by then, "that's cute, well this place has the best things in town. I'll get going now see you around Bayliy" she said before turning and walking out the door.

"You know what I'm just gonna buy this" he said walking away. We left the store with a huge teddy bear.

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