Chapter 5

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I went to bed smiling that night, I had already calculated if I work both jobs paying minimum wage as well as the tips and food benefits from the restaurant, I would be able rent, pay the daycare, buy groceries and still have save some cash for emergency.

Things were starting to look up for us. Maybe Miami was the best place to move to, maybe this will be our home and maybe just maybe we won't have to move again.

Once again I had not a wink of sleep and got out of bed around 4am. I made my bed then took out some clothes to wear, then headed for the kitchen. I made lunch for Isa and myself and made my coffee as well. I then had a shower and pulled my robe on before waking Isa up at 6am.

I got her dressed and ready then got myself ready. Today was going to be a long day, it was my first day at school and I'm a senior. I also have work the afternoon.

I tabbed my backpack, rushed to the kitchen gulped my coffee and cereal down then got into my car. I dropped Isa off then drove to school, I had to drop her off early at day care so I could get to school on time.

I finally reached the school and parked far away from all the other cars. I kept my head down as I slung my backpack on my shoulders and went into the school, I should of worn a hoodie. But my atire did help me blend in somewhat, I wore black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt and my convers.

I had to ask someone for directions to the office which a girl was sweet enough to give me directions and I was on my way. "Good morning. My name is Bayliy Lean and I'm new, I've come to collect me schedule" I said to the lady at the desk.

"Good morning. Just give me a minute" she said typing something into her computer, a few seconds later the printer made a noise and she picked the paper up and handed it to me with a smile. I took the paper and looked over it. "Um...could you please move my free periods and study hall to the end of the day?" I asked politely.

She raised her eyebrow giving me a suspicious look, "you I have a kid in daycare and I work after school so I would really help if you could do that for me" I explained. Her face softened and she signed, typing something into her computer then printed another schedule for me. I thanked her and took the paper and went to find my locker.

I put some books into my locker and took out the ones I needed then headed for my first class which was math.

Since I was early to most classes I told all the teachers who I was and that I was afraid of public speaking so they wouldn't make me introduce myself. The day went pretty good actually, I kept my head down and sat quietly away from everyone. When lunch rolled around I sat in the library that was actually full with quite a few students. I ate my lunch while starting the homework I had from the first half of the day.

My last class was English and then I had study hall and a free period so as soon as English was done I bolted out of the school. I stopped by my locker to collect the books I needed for homework and then rushed to my car with my head down.

I got in and drove to the restaurant. I quickly changed into my uniform and got to work, the dinner rush was not as bad as it was on weekends but we were still busy. By the end of the night I took home some roast chicken and vegetables with about five dollars in tips. I changed back into the clothes I wore for school, then rushed to pick Isa up.

"Hey Rufous" I greeted walking into the gym, "hey Bayliy, you came just in time for my first training session so I'll leave you to it" Rufous was the name of the bulky man who owns the gym and who hired me.

I go around the desk with Isa and sigh as I take a seat in the chair. There's a small bench behind me that she sits and plays at. The gym was rather busy in the evenings, as I got to work answering the phone, filling people in for personal trainers and collecting money for memberships.

I had left school around after one so that gave me a two hour head start at the restaurant which I left at six, Tiny let me go an hour early because of my new job, and I got to the gym a little after six and Rufous is letting me go at nine.

At seven I took Isa to the staff room at the gym and heated up the food I got from the restaurant. We both ate at the front desk so I could still do my work and while working I fitted in time to do my homework. At exactly nine Rufous came to the front desk and said I should go home.

We were both tired we we got home and I just had enough energy to give Isa and myself a bath before I dozed off. I didn't even have energy to put Isa in her bed to she slept in my bed.

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