Chapter 4

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"Isa!" I shouted jolting awake, I jumped out of my bed and ran down the hallway to her room, pushing the door open my heart stops as I'm met with an unmade bed and no Isabell. "No,no,no,no this can't be happening" I ran out of the room calling her name. "Isa!" I shout checking in the bathroom panicking more when I see she's not in the bathroom either, "Isa-" I stop in my tracks as I enter the living room.

"Mummy!" Relief washes over me as I find in the living room watching cartoons. "Isa!" I run over to her and pull her into a tight embrace, "you made me so scared" I say I hadn't even noticed the tears rolling my face. "Baby next time you wake up and want to watch TV, come and tell mummy okay" I say to her, "sowie" she says. I hug her once more, "did you brush your teeth?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"Yes" she giggles letting me know she's lying, "come on" I said to her and she follows me into the bathroom. We both brush our teeth and wash our face then head back to the living room. I check the time and see it's already 10am, must of over slept and Isa must of been hungry. I fixed us both some cereal and a cup of coffee for me, I hadn't had any sleep last night and only feel asleep in the early parts of the morning.

After breakfast I gave Isa a bath then cleaned the place up a bit. Living with a three year old can be though, she does have much toys because of us always moving around so whatever she deems worthy she plays with. That being spoons, pillows, clothes, shoes, her actual toys and anything else she wants to play with she will.

I made sure the front door was locked before I got into the shower leaving the bathroom door open incase she needed something or got hurt. After my shower I changed into a pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt and pulled on my white convers it was on of the few shoes I had.

I turn and saw my work uniform laying in a pile on the floor and decided to wash it. It was around lunchtime so I made PB and J sandwiches for us and put the clothe to wash. Laying on the kitchen counter was the money I had made yesterday, I looked around our small apartment that could use so many things, then my eyes landed on this tiny person who's life is my top priority.

Without even thinking I grabbed the money and started towards the car keys, "hey Isa go put your shoes on" I said excitedly. She looked at me then ran to her room to get her shoes, I helped her put it on then we left.

I drove to a small convince store first, once there I parked the car and we got out. I grabbed a shopping cart and made Isa sit in it, I didn't have the money to buy more the then ten items. But I used the cart because Isa enjoyed to sit in it, "baby listen to mummy okay. If you be a good girl you'll get a present okay?" Her eyes brightened at the thought.

I hardly ever took her with me shopping I usually went when she was at daycare, because it broke my heart when she would ask for something and I didn't have the money to get it for her. And also to avoid the embarassment of her throwing a tantrum in the store, but ever time I took her she would never ask for anything just sit happily in the cart and she would never throw a tantrum. It's like she some how knew we couldn't afford it.

I picked up a loaf of bread, some more cereal, some packet soup and a packet of meat slices. It all came to about three dollars. We got into the car and I drove to the park, as soon as I parked I saw Isa's eye go wide with excitement. We got out and she ran to play on the swings. "Mummy watch me" she called, I smiled waving at her.

After and our or so she got tired so we sat together on a beach and watching the ducks by the pond, I was looking around when something caught my eye. "Hey Isa since you have been a good girl, are you ready for your present?" I asked, she instantly nodded.

"Let's go" we walked up to the ice-cream stand, "hello can I have a small vanilla cone please" I said to the made. "Two dollars" he said handing me the cone, I paid him then handed the cone to Isa and saw her smile happily.

"Thank you mummy" she said, we strolled through the nearby shops as Isa ate her ice-cream next to me. That's when I saw in big bold letters the 'HELP WANTED' sign. I walked up to the store and pulled the door open, the place was actually a new gym. And it looked as if the finishing touches where being put together.

"Um... excuse me" I said walking up to tall bulky man, he definitely looked like he works out. "Can I help you miss" even though his voice was deep he was very polite. "I saw your help wanted sign on the window and wanted to ask what the job was" I said. "I just opened up my gym as you can see and I need someone to work at the front desk" he said looking down and smiling at Isa.

"Where can I sign up?" I asked, he looked between me and Isa, and I think he notice how young I looked to have a child but I saw pity in his eyes. "You know what I'll hire you" he said, I smiled. "That's great! But I do have another job I work from Monday to Saturday. Will it be a problem?" I asked hopping that it won't be a problem.

"Tell you what you work Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You take the afternoon shift and on school vacation you work Monday through Saturday?" He asked

I thought about it for a minute the looked down at Isa her big brown eyes staring up at me, "deal."

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