
343 12 0

Editor: Sapphirezekat

Cowriter: DarthRenzi (he's on discord, not here though)

So, I wanted to say that this won't entirely be the same story I wrote last time. It'd be boring for you guys to read the exact same story but with a fresh coat of paint. Consider all of the previous stories retconned and no longer canon. 

Here are some answers to questions I assume you have:

Why did you cancel it? I cancelled the old story because I couldn't handle looking at the absolute mess the story was. It was written when I was really rusty and an amateur. Also, the inconsistency of the chapter amounts. Book one was eleven chapters. Book two was nine. And then book three came in and was more than twenty chapters. 

How many books long will it be? This will be the only book in the series. It's a long one and I will be focusing most of my free time to it, refusing to work on other stories until this beast is done. 

What will be changed? This is something I cannot answer. I will not answer, because spoilers. That's for me to know and you to find out. 

How much is planned? Important plot points are mapped out.

I hope you like this story as much as I do! I really like some of the ideas I have and I really want to give this Igneous an ending to his story, even if it takes a while to do. 

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