Chapter Thirty - Shapes and Lines

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Darkness permeated her every thought, and through the depths there was nothing she could even do

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Darkness permeated her every thought, and through the depths there was nothing she could even do.

Memories of a world long since passed, of places she had one ventured were long since gone, and truth be told, she preferred it that way.

There was no use dwelling upon the dead.

It was fruitless to even try.

Screaming, angered voices rung through her head, distant but close enough to disturb her with their presence. Their words were jumbled, spoken in a tongue she could hardly decipher after so many years. But the emotions behind the words rung through with crystalline clarity.

Hatred, fear, blood lust in its purist form.

It was a haze of emotion all too familiar to her.

As she sunk through the depths of cold emptiness, she began to rouse from the desert city memories.

Akazawa Saki began to remember glimpses that did not belong in her distant memories. Flashes of happenings that just shouldn't have existed in the first place.

Glimpses of a dying, diseased forest plagued with death. A massive wave of soldiers out of place and time. Of a winter sky as pain wrecked her senses and suffocated her. A menacing hand reaching out towards her face. Of her dying, strangling in binds that held her suspended and death himself hovering over her.

She realized that the pain was too fresh, too real to be glimpses of a bad dream.

And then, Saki awoke with start.

She awoke both blind and mute, with a scream trapped within the waking agony of a throat shredded raw and an onslaught of blinding pain tearing throughout her body. Every struggling breath she forced her lungs to take felt like she was breathing ash and embers, as shards of smoldering glass carved their slow descent along her innards. Terror shot through her like a jolt of electricity when she found her body wouldn't respond as it was supposed to.

However, in spite of her spiraling terror, her hearing was if anything, hypersensitive. The sound of movement just overhead caught Saki's immediate notice, and with it she then noted the smallest glimpse of a gloved hand through the darkness, black against darker black reaching out towards her.

This time, her body responded to her instinctive panic immediately.

Within an instance, Saki was upright as her bare back collided with what felt like a wall of pelts and spry wood latticework, lone working arm scrambling for anything she could use to defend herself. The first thing her hand closed around was a number of short, nine inch long rods of steel lying on the ground in a pile, which she proceeded to immediately hurl across the area towards the mystery owner of that hand with alarming precision.

The sudden sharp intake of startled breath and a gasped out curse barely met the addled woman's notice as that form of black frantically ducked for cover as the rods of steel shot through the air with enough force to pierce and tear holes into an opposing tent wall.

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