Chapter Six - Refuge

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The skies were a glorious mess of greying clouds as dawn arose, and with it the scent of rain on the air was as pleasant to Saki as a hard drink of whiskey to a guard after a hard day's work

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The skies were a glorious mess of greying clouds as dawn arose, and with it the scent of rain on the air was as pleasant to Saki as a hard drink of whiskey to a guard after a hard day's work.

She adored the rain, the subtle blanket of fresh that stained the air and the life water that poured from the heavens. While not so much good for her house, as it were, it was the one thing that she didn't mind dealing with the cons about. All she could hope for was the invigorating flashes of light and rumbling of thunder that accompanied the more hefty of rains.

And it wasn't Saki alone who adored the rain, either.

The forests came to life with the start of rain, amphibious creatures started singing, birds bathed in the pleasant showers, and while not happily, rodents and other burrowing creatures all vacated to higher grounds until the rain would cease and they were free to move around without becoming soaked.

The usual sluggish air about Saki as she awoke to the gentle rumbling of thunder in the distance had her promptly shake off the edge of slumber that hung over her mind, and with a flurry of limbs, righted herself out of the woven hammock to descend downstairs to step out into the makeshift smithy.

Saki's gaze took in the darkening clouds synonymous with an encroaching thunderstorm and grinned.

From the flat bottoms of the clouds to the grey hues, and the scent on the air, Saki knew without a doubt that they were in for some early-autumn downpour.

Her morning couldn't get any better for her.

Without caring for the fact that she was dressed sloppily and her hair was a mess, Saki scrambled back indoors to carefully manoeuvre several old, wooden mead barrel out into the stormy grounds outside. She set them in the centre of the open ground before her house, outside of the span of the oak tree branches. She unhooked their lids and set them aside, barrels open in preparation to catch any rain that would fall in.

Such a blessing from the skies should not be left solely to sink into the soil alone.

Saki decided now was the best time for her to go gather some supplies, since a heavy storm was encroaching. So she dashed back inside to dress herself entirely and gather her belongings.

Throughout her wanderings back towards Wistal, Saki found herself amused to note that the city folk were none too pleased with the looming presence of the storm on its way. In spite of it being just after 8am, the housewives were aggressively slamming shutters closed, pulling in their hanging plants, and the stall keepers were grudgingly packing away their goods and wares in preparation for an early finish.

While Saki herself adored the rains, it appeared that the well-to-do city folk hated it.

So, to take full advantage of the stall keepers and merchants downtown before they closed up well ahead of time, Saki picked up her pace to a jog and flagged down the merchants who had the more necessary of her requirements.

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