Chapter Seven - Dissension

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Needless to say, it was a matter of hours before the storm had begun to calm just enough for Saki to deem it safe to escort Shirayuki back to Wistal, and by that point Saki felt like her patience was about worn to nothing

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Needless to say, it was a matter of hours before the storm had begun to calm just enough for Saki to deem it safe to escort Shirayuki back to Wistal, and by that point Saki felt like her patience was about worn to nothing. Never had Saki been made to realize just how out of touch she was with having to be in the same room as another person for hours at a time, let alone how prickly her personality really was.

Unfortunately, while Shirayuki was content to her own thoughts for a large portion of time, that didn't mean it wasn't already quite awkward for Saki, who's sanctuary of a home was currently contested. The woman, during the worst of what appeared to be boredom and curiosity, took to asking Saki questions about what seemed like varying things of nonsensical origin, though the interest the woman took in Saki felt like perhaps, nonsensical was not the case.

The questions were things like, why did she live all the way out here in the forest, and why was Saki's house so empty when furniture could be easily acquired. The woman had even, out of sheer curiosity, asked if the table and chairs were made by a child, or a previous tenant.

And for Saki, all she could do was wave off the questions with dismissive half-truths while being quite aware of her sharp tongue itching to quip instead.

By the end of a five hour stay, the most Saki had ascertained was that Shirayuki was a curious woman who had a tendency to be very open with things, which was quite a difference from Saki, who was aloof when it came to personal questions, and just asked what was needed, nothing more.

Either which way, as Saki dropped her lone hide overcoat to Shirayuki to use for the journey back to Wistal, she couldn't be more relieved. Entertaining another human was not one of Saki's favourite pass times, and it certainly wasn't something that came naturally to her, either.

However, it looked like Shirayuki had earned something of some description from the stay, though Saki was too overwhelmed with the woman's constant presence over the past five hours to really want to even know what was going through the woman's head.

The winds outside had calmed down to a small otherworldly groan as it blew through the remarkably more bare branches of Saki's great oak tree, bringing the woman to let out a relieved sigh as she unhooked the shutters from the front of the smithy to allow Shirayuki to step out into the grounds ahead.

The river had risen a few inches, though little more, and the several mead barrels Saki set out in the front were half-filled with rainwater. Her gaze shifted towards the skies, which were a lighter grey this time, though blacker clouds were over on the horizon.

So she had maybe an hour to get Shirayuki to one of the gates into Wistal, before the weather would probably worsen, two if she was lucky.

Saki let out a breath as she stepped out after Shirayuki, and pulled the shutters mostly closed to keep the animals hiding inside at least a little more comfortable.

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