Chapter Two - Incandescent

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If one were to ask Saki what she thought of her official employer, she could honestly say that she thought they were a few arrows short of a quiver

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If one were to ask Saki what she thought of her official employer, she could honestly say that she thought they were a few arrows short of a quiver.

Words thrown in haphazard streaks of anger and discontent, with scarcely any moderate temperament to give their personality fair contrast. Always at the breaking point whenever something didn't go their way, Saki always, always found herself wondering how disappointing their childhood had been. Their views were always shrouded in hail and thunder, clouded with the worst life could ever give. In every sense of the word, they were a pessimist, and with every statement they made, they made it clear that everyone else was not up to the same standards that they expected.

Perhaps that was the reason why Saki never found any interest in doing more than she was required when it came to working under them.

And with every passing day, Saki found herself less inclined to compromise to their insatiable lust for things to complain about.

'Akazawa! Stop what you are doing this instance!' Came the shrill bark of a nasally voice somewhere within the late hours of the evening, bringing a faint sigh to escape Saki as she straightened up on her feet.

Her hat was gone, as were her boots and rough clothes befitting of a forest wanderer, and replaced instead with the uniform of a castle servant. A maid, more specifically. The earthen-hued uniform with a simple waist-wrapped apron flapped a little more in the breeze than she would have liked, but at least it was easy to move in.

Saki's face was wiped clean of all emotion as she heard the sounds of stomping heeled boots across ornate marble floors, bringing her to turn towards the source of the sound. A woman in her mid forties, clad in the same maids uniform marched with urgency, with her naturally stern and crinkled face taught with displeasure, and the tight, perfectly intricate bun her blond and grey hair was pulled in only sought to strengthen the stern look to her. The woman's gaze was in fact upon Saki herself, and without even needing to think on it, Saki knew that she was in for an unnecessary lecture.

'May I help you with something, Minene?' Saki questioned simply as the older woman came to a stomping halt right in front of her.

'What have I told you about speaking?! Your voice is an abomination! You would dare subject the Lords and the Royal Family to experiencing such unpleasantness should they happen to walk past?!' Minene barked in displeasure, earning a rather exasperated stare in response. 'All that's necessary is a nod, shake of the head, or a bow! Nothing more!'

Saki was pretty sure the lords they served would be more disgusted with hearing such a shrill voice shrieking like a banshee at eleven at night than her simple question.

Still, to try and be rid of the lectures sooner, Saki reluctantly tipped her head forward in a nod.

'Good! Now that you understand, I demand that you fix your attire immediately!' Minene continued as she lifted a slender, bony hand to motion towards Saki's overall appearances. 'Your hair is unkempt and left loose! Your apron is not clean! And you're wearing those distasteful gloves again! How many times must I explain that we have a dress-code here! Your hair must be pulled back immaculately, your appearances must be clean at all times, and you must not have any additional accessories to your ensemble!'

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