Chapter Twenty Three - Intrigue

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 It had been two days since Obi got the news that he was being sent out on another assignment

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It had been two days since Obi got the news that he was being sent out on another assignment.

He had found out after returning to Zen's side to report his blatantly carefree day assisting Shirayuki with Court Herbalist duties that he had found the Second Prince staring down at a large, hand-drawn map of Clarines with such concentration that the paper should very well have burst into flames.

'You've got a new assignment, Obi.' Zen had told him without so much as lifting his gaze to look at him. 'You'll be taking Shirayuki into the forests so she can try and learn all she can about this disease. You'll be leaving with two guards at dawn the day after tomorrow.'

At the time, Obi had been rather surprised, considering how adamant the second prince had been about not sending Shirayuki out into the wilderness. But he'd been surprised all the more when Zen had uttered one last order as the ex-assassin went to leave for the night.

'Akazawa Saki has agreed to help, with conditions. So at the very least, leave her be for the duration of this assignment.'

'The grumpy maid has?' Obi couldn't help but ask. 'That's surprising. How did you manage to convince her to change her mind?'

'Nothing, but it might have something to do with your absence at the time.' Zen remarked as he fixed a rather exasperated stare upon the ex-assassin. 'So at the very least, for the duration of this assignment, don't antagonize her.'

A sigh escaped Obi as he linked his hands behind his head and continued on his way.

'Yes Master.' He hummed, unamused. 'If that's your command, of course.'

There was nothing more that was said, so Obi left for one of his preferred trees in the central courtyard.

The following day was spent accompanying Shirayuki as she browsed and scoured through the court herbalist office for all the notes she could find on the current investigation progress, copied down a duplicate of the notes that Zen had acquired, and otherwise helped the petite redhead pack what she was going to take to the sickly forest.

There was no word on Akazawa Saki's presence anywhere in the city, and it was a peculiarity to note that the townsfolk actually seemed to gossip about the grumpy woman's sudden absence.

One set of rumors stated that the so called "Omen" had burned what they referred to as a riverside hovel to the ground and left for Tanbarum. Another stated that she'd been seen purchasing rope, shackles and stakes, the speculated reasons being that she were preparing to place a curse on somebody. And the last, fleeting rumor stated that she had stolen from the castle and fled the country with a pair of chestnut stallions.

Even while knowing that the woman had agreed to help with the investigation pertaining to the decaying forests, Obi couldn't help but find just a little amusement in the absurd idea that she was capable of placing a curse on somebody, though he had no choice but to admit that if it were possible, he'd be the most likely recipient to find out first-hand.

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