Chapter 33

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The walk back to the castle felt hours longer than walking away had seemed. Perhaps it was longer, because poor Daphne was left to stumble along only by light of the half moon.

Theresa's fury had burned itself down to a bitter glow. She knew that she should walk, but she let Daphne carry her.

She was overwhelmed by her sense of futility.

When they finally made it back, Daphne carried her inside through the kitchen door which had remained unlocked and went straight to Wildwood's tower.

Theresa was surprised that Daphne even knew where it was, because she generally had seemed to avoid the wizard. Her sister continually surprised her.

Daphne knocked on the great door and Theresa was surprise when it was opened almost immediately. It was the middle of the night, what was Wildwood doing in his study at such an hour?

He opened the door wider to allow them entrance. Daphne set her down.

Theresa strode to the centre of the floor and tried to look as if she was not bothered by anything happening around her.

Finally Wildwood spoke. "You've returned. And a cat again. Which explains so much."

Theresa thought that it had been the most irritatingly obvious statement that he had ever uttered in her presence followed immediately by the most vague.

Clearly, she was a cat again and what in the world did that explain?

Wildwood looked towards Daphne. "What happened?"

"Um, well, my lord," Daphne began, clearly reluctant to explain.

Theresa's rage boiled anew and she wanted to scream. The whole situation was all ridiculous. Why was her sister acting as if Theresa had done something wrong?

As for the unrepentant lying wizard, there was no trace of remorse on his handsome features. He simply looked a bit weary and mildly concerned.

The consummate liar might very well even be in league with her aunt, she thought savagely.

Thomas chose the exact worse time to arrive at Wildwood's study. The door was still open because Daphne was standing awkwardly in the way of it. Thomas dashed past Daphne. "Lord Wildwood, did—"

"Lady Daphne, you're safe," he said with a wide smile on his irritating face.

Daphne smiled back at him.

Thomas' gaze reached Theresa who was sitting in the middle of the floor. "Oh. Lady Theresa. You're a cat again."

Theresa sent Thomas a glare that should have shriveled him down to nothing.

He ignored it and glanced at Wildwood. "I just wanted to see if, well I suppose it no longer matters.

"Indeed, matters have resolved themselves," Wildwood said. "Perhaps you might treat the cuts on Daphne's arms, however."

Theresa felt mortification flood through her at the words. She wished that she had not hurt her sister. She felt terrible.

Thomas looked a Daphne carefully before looking over at Theresa as he put the situation together.

He shot Theresa a look that made her understand she had never seen the knight truly angry until that moment.

She looked away, he was right in his criticism.

"Come on, Lady Daphne. I'll heal you," he said gently.

Thomas left and Daphne walked along with him. The expression on her face showed she was glad to escape giving an explanation to the wizard.

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