Chapter 44

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Theresa dreamed of Francine that night, but her aunt was kind and treated her lovingly.

She woke up the next morning feeling sick, confused, and angry.

Theresa decided to find Daphne and it took only a brief search to discover Daphne once again in the queen's sitting room.

It seemed that Daphne was becoming fast friends with the queen. It would lend Daphne an extra measure of safety if they were on such good terms.

Theresa forced herself not to feel resentful. She would be happy for her sister and with Daphne dependent on others it would give Theresa the freedom to put her own safety first and foremost. There would be no helpless younger sister to push out of the way of a transformation spell next time.

Theresa watched idly as the queen and Daphne discussed various arrangements. The guests had already been invited and Daphne's dress had already been prepared. Theresa had seen it and it was a beautifully sewn creation.

Daphne was happier than Theresa had ever seen her before. Theresa told herself that she was glad.

There was something bothering her, however. She could not forget the sound in Wildwood's voice or the look of resigned sadness on his face when he had watched Daphne and Thomas together.

She found she wanted to see Wildwood happy. Daphne did not seem to even be aware of his regard. Perhaps it was the one way that she could repay him for all he had done for her.

The queen left the room and Theresa decided that there would be no better time to broach the subject.

"Daphne, are you sure that you want to marry Sir Thomas?" she asked.

Daphne's eyes narrowed. "I thought you had agreed to no longer to oppose us."

Theresa spoke quickly, "Of course I'm not. I just wondered."

"Well, wonder no more. I will love Thomas until the day I die," Daphne said with dramatic certainty.

"What if someone else loved you too?" she wondered.

"Whatever are you talking about?"

Theresa threw caution to the wind. "Lord Wildwood is in love with you."

"What nonsense! He is obviously not."

"You didn't see the way he looked at you when the king granted your marriage," Theresa pressed.

Daphne scoffed, still clearly unconvinced.

"I heard him and the queen talking."

"Were you eavesdropping again? That did not end well the last time," Daphne pointed out in an irritatingly accusatory way.

"I was not eavesdropping," Theresa said defensively. "I just happened to overhear in passing."

"Well, you overheard wrong. He has no interest in me beyond helping my sister out of the goodness of his heart, or whatever it is his reason is. I've barely had so much as a conversation with him and for that matter it's not my company that he seeks out on a regular basis."

"That's because of his loyalty to Thomas, he said," Theresa said, feeling irritated that her sister took Wildwood's feelings so lightly. "And also because I'm the one who needs magical assistance."

"I tell you, that's absolute rot. I know you're worried about everything, but you're getting worked up over nothing this time."

The queen returned to the room. "Whatever are you two arguing about?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

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