Chapter 40

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The herald ushered them into the throne room. It was opulent with high ceilings and tapestries on the walls.

"Your Majesty, may I present the Marquis of Wildwood, Lady Theresa, Countess of Waldwick, The Honorable Sir Thomas of Harding, and The Honorable Lady Daphne Waldwick, Baroness of Tyndale."

"Theresa ignored the herald's words; instead her attention was drawn to the king. He sat in the centre of the room upon a richly decorated throne. His features were as her vague recollections had shown her, he was dark featured and he wore deep blue clothing with a heavy looking crown upon his forehead.

Theresa felt quite nervous. His face wore a rather bored expression, but her impression he missed little was reinforced by a canny gleam in his eyes. The rumors that he was a fool seemed obviously untrue.

Beside the king, in an equally exquisite chair sat the queen. She was wearing a high waisted gown and a crown which matched, but was smaller and more delicate. She looked incredibly serene, as if she were completely confident in however the king would decide.

Theresa hoped that the king's decision would allow her to share the queen's feelings.

"Lady Waldwick, what is it that you desire of us?" the king asked with disinterest. Theresa felt a twinge of annoyance but pushed it down. He was the king, after all.

She rushed forward and curtseyed before her sovereign.

Theresa stood up. "Please forgive my appearance. We have travelled far today and we were disguised for safety up until now. Your Majesty, we beg a boon of you," she said, hoping that her voice sounded steady. She rather doubted that it did.

Theresa could feel her knees shaking and she wished that her legs were hidden by her normal long skirts.

He nodded. "What is this boon?"

Theresa rushed forward with her explanation, "We beg that you remove the Dowager Vicountess of Rytham from power over our estates. She has used coercive magic upon my sister and I to control us for years and she transformed me against my will."

The king was silent. Theresa desired nothing more than to flee from the room. It was difficult to remained standing rigidly before the man who held her fate in his uncertain ringed hands.

"We've heard a story similar to this one before," he commented. "Have you any proof?"

Wildwood had been standing behind her silently, but he moved forward and bowed briefly. "Your Majesty, Lady Waldwick is still under the effects of the spell. She beard a counter transformation and the spell must be maintained as long as she is to remain human."

The king looked towards his queen. She smiled and said to the king, "She blazes with magic. There are certainly powerful spells upon her."

"Indeed," he agreed.

The queen looked at Wildwood and smiled. "My dear Lord Wildwood, could you remove the counter transformation so that we might see the effects of the original spell?"

Theresa felt her stomach plummet. She did not want to be a cat and most especially not in front of royalty.

Wildwood glanced at Theresa. She forced herself to nod, feeling only slightly better he had wanted her consent for the change.

Of course, there was no choice, not really. She felt the familiar unpleasant tingling, but remained silent as she felt the cat's mind flood back into her own.

The cat part of her mind was startled for a moment, but quickly realized she was not overly impressed by her surroundings. She did not know where she was and was aware of unfamiliar humans around.

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