Chapter 12

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After what felt to Theresa like days atop the swaying mount, they crested a ridge and they caught their first glimpse of Wildwood Manor. The building, much like their own home, had the standard appearance of a castle. It was probably built of grey stone as far as Theresa could be sure with her weird cat vision.

It also looked cold and was probably full of drafts, not that she would be there long enough for it to matter hopefully. With some luck this new wizard would be able to perform a quick spell and they would ride promptly towards the capital.

She still could not think of a better plan to get out from Francine's thumb than to petition the king.

"I hope this is the right place," Daphne fretted. "But this stone is hot, so I guess that it must be."

Theresa made a note to reward Jim when her properties were restored to her control.

It had been rare good fortune that Daphne stumbled upon him. Without him, she did not know what they would have actually done.

As they neared the castle building, Theresa could increasingly feel an unpleasant pricking in the air, much like that around the Wizard Jim's cottage.

She wondered if it was because she carried Francine's magic through her. It seemed logical from what Jim had told them. Maybe her aunt's horrid magic felt out of place in the Lord Wildwood's domain.

Well, anywhere Francine's magic was uncomfortable was surely a place Theresa wanted to be. She felt a bit hopeful at the thought.

"What should I say?" Daphne wondered aloud. Theresa wanted to groan. Instead she meowed encouragingly.

"I'll just ask for Lord Wildwood, I suppose."

Theresa made her cat head wag up and down in a nod.

The main doors to the castle loomed above them and Daphne dismounted.

Theresa jumped off before Daphne could turn to help her. It felt wonderful to be on beautifully solid ground again. A stable boy appeared as if by magic. "Would you like me to take your horse, my lady?"

"Thank you," Daphne said, allowing Mahogany to be led away. As much as Theresa detested riding on the swaying beast, seeing it led away made her feel stranded.

Daphne knocked on the door using a huge metal knocker. It was shaped like some gruesome looking monster and Theresa suspiciously wondered if it was a bad omen. What sort of wizard would choose such terrible ornamentation for his door? She reminded herself she did not believe in such things but still it did nothing to settle her nerves.

The door finally opened and a woman with grey hair swept into a tight bun peered at them. Theresa imagined she could almost see a resemblance between her sour face and the knocker.

"We—I am here to seek Lord Wildwood."

"Lord Wildwood? And who might you be?" the woman asked sternly. She was clearly the housekeeper. She was wearing no nonsense clothing and an expression that hinted at no patience to match. The dress looked grey to Theresa and she suspected that the somber color would appear the same whether she was human or cat. The woman's face was also a washed out grey with stark grey lines caused by wrinkling in all the wrong places. Even her eyes were a dull grey.

Theresa knew that she did not have a cheerful nature at all but next to this woman she was positively merry. Theresa was distracted from her critique when her sister spoke again in a voice that sounded sadly feeble.

"I am Lady Daphne and I was sent by—"

"The lord is indisposed," the woman said as she cut Daphne off rudely. She looked down her sharp nose at them in displeasure as if they were a bit of dirt that one of the maids had forgotten to clean up off the step.

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