Chapter 4

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Trying not to think was worse than ineffective, it was nigh impossible. There was no way to stop the rush of thoughts that kept flooding through her mind.

If she could even speak to give directions to her younger sister, explain problems that she anticipated, and tell her about potential plans, Theresa would have some satisfaction.

Instead, she was frustrated. All that she could do was worry.

There were so many things to worry about. There was no doubt that their aunt was looking for them even as they sat here, just waiting for the woman or her henchmen to find them.

Theresa dreaded to think what might happen if Francine caught them again. It would be years before she let her guard down again, if at all.

Perhaps the only reason that they had escaped was because of Francine's overconfidence in her powers.

If she captured them again there was little likelihood that they would ever be free from their aunt's power. They would likely be chained in the dungeon when their aunt was not there to oversee them.

Why had Theresa been so impatient? She should have taken longer, made better plans. Maybe she could have tricked Francine into believing she still held sway over Theresa's mind.

Francine must have returned to Waldwick early for some reason. If she had not discovered them missing, Theresa and Daphne would have been leagues away and Theresa would still be completely human.

If only Francine was the single problem they faced. There were also the dangers of the roads. Theresa had read more than enough tales of the dangers that might be outside of the safety of their properties.

There were probably thieves all over the place and the shifty sort of person who would turn them over to Francine for a reward.

Daphne was too pretty to pass unnoticed for long. She would attract attention wherever they travelled. People would remember that they had seen her if anyone asked and worse, she looked like a perfect victim.

Maybe their best hope was that some heroic type might be captured in Daphne's loveable aura and have mercy on them.

Theresa did not even want to keep thinking about the predicament of her cat form, but the thought persistently pushed to the front of her mind with each unfamiliar step of her cat paws.

It was too insurmountable and she wished that she could simply forget it for a time but every swish of her tail reminded Theresa of the dark reality.

It seemed that Daphne planned to return her to her human form, for which Theresa was of course grateful.

Unfortunately, Theresa could not think of any plan towards that end. They obviously needed a wizard or a warlock they could consult to find out how it would be possible.

Theresa had never met a wizard beyond her own aunt. No wizard had ever been welcome at Waldwick under her aunt's rule and the likelihood of a witch or warlock being accepted in polite company was almost laughable. Aunt Francine would have had them expelled immediately for their disreputable low stature alone.

The thought of meeting any magic user was a frightful thought, but Theresa would risk it simply to have her old body returned. She doubted Daphne would dare to seek out a warlock; therefore Theresa would have to put her trust in a wizard if she wanted to be free from Francine's curse.

If they even found one.

Theresa's mind kept circling and she almost wished that the little mouse would return so that she could take her distress out on it.

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