Chapter Fifty-Seven: A Woman's Place

Start from the beginning

It was strange to be home when her siblings were not, they were all at court and settled into their positions at court; positions that could be further improved upon should she play her part.

The King would likely come for her soon, he could not bed Anne while she was with child and after losing her last pregnancy, there was just no telling what might happen. 

Anne's time as the only woman that held the King's heart would come to an end, he would tire of her like he had done Katherine; she might be secure with one son in the nursey but things could change as they had done when Katherine was Queen.


Clarice could not contain the smile on her face as she admired her husband, they were at their home in the country and she was most relieved that they were able to afford such time away from the court. 

In a matter of weeks, the court was expected to go on progress and one of the stops would be here where her and George would be expected to house the royal court for a couple of weeks.

However, for now they got to enjoy their time with their children and looking after their estates while they relaxed away from the busy nature of the court; it was most relieving to be home especially when they knew what was coming. 

George had already expressed his desire, that if possible then he would travel with the army to do his part; he did not wish for people to think of him as a coward and cowering from his duty.

A lump formed in Clarice's throat, she did not know what she would do if something happened to George; she could not imagine herself remarrying if she lost him. 

There was no doubt in her mind that he was the love of her life, he had blessed her with two beautiful daughters; there would never be another for her and she would die an old maid without him.

"Mama," Contessina called snapping Clarice from her thoughts, she forced a smile to her face at the sound of her daughter's voice and blinked back her tears knowing that she could not allow them to see her sadness. 

There was no telling what God had planned for them, Clarice wished with all her might that she could understand what he had planned for her. 

Though she was but a simple woman, she was no more important than any other of her station; she had to hope that whatever God had planned for her that his plan would be just and she would not suffer too much.

"Sweetling," Clarice replied moving from her place in the doorway where she had been watching them, her heart feeling lighter at the sight of her beloved children who were learning how to ride the pony that George had acquired. 

George had thought it would be a grand idea especially to have the short, dappled grey, handsome pony on hand so that their daughters might learn to ride and it was something that he felt was important.

It was George's hope that their children would have all the advantages that he and his siblings had done; though he would do everything in his power to ensure that they were not placed in situations like Anne and Mary. 

Despite enjoying the benefits that had come with Anne's rise as Queen, George could not ignore the damage that had been done to her reputation and that of Mary; he would do anything to make sure that the same did not transpire for Contessina and Filiberta.

"Look at Merrylegs," Contessina said with a large grin, she adored the pony as she offered him another carrot; she enjoyed her pony riding lessons that her father gave her. 

It was much nicer here than at court and while she did adore seeing her Aunt and Uncle King, she missed seeing her parents when she liked.

"He is a beautiful pony," Clarice agreed, she reached out her hand and petted the pony who seemed most pleased with the attention that he was receiving; he was a perfectly good-tempered and trustworthy pony. 

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