Chapter One Hundred & Four: Arrivals in France

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19th of July 1536 - Saint-Germain-en-Laye

Taking a moment to steady herself, the Duchess of Bedford wasn't entirely sure how she felt about standing in the halls of the French court again after so many years. 

It only felt like yesterday that she had received the news that she had lost her title, the one that she had inherited upon the deaths of both her parents. 

The one that her beloved mother had fought so hard to retain in the wake of her father's death, for there had been many relatives eager to claim it for themselves. 

Clarice was ever so thankful that she was not alone here, her husband was by her side and she was relieved for that; she did not think she would have been able to do this without him. 

"Presenting the Duke and Duchess of Bedford," the herald announced to the court, the curious looks of the French lords and ladies focused on the arrivals from England as Clarice and George made their way into the room. 

They walked towards the dais where King Francis and his Queen were seated waiting to receive them, they were the first to arrival afterall since the royal court eagerly awaited the arrival of Maria of Portugal. 

"Your Majesties," George stated bowing to the foreign King while his wife dropped into an elegant curtsy, there would be many eager to see how they were received. 

Afterall it wasn't too many years ago that Clarice had been stripped of her title by King Francis, there would be those eager to see them spurned because of her fall from grace after not doing as the Pope had commanded of her. 

King Francis stood from his feet, a smile upon his face as he moved down the steps and embraced Clarice; a kiss pressed to each of her cheeks as he admired her. 

It hurt him greatly that they had been parted for so long and he was most grateful that she had been part of the envoy sent to witness the marriage of his eldest son by Claude. 

It was a time of great celebration for the French, it was a long time coming afterall and Francis wanted nothing more than to see his eldest son succeed in his marriage where Henri had not. 

"Dearest cousin, we welcome your return to our court. It has been far too long," King Francis announced to the room, he would have no one doubt his intentions when it came to Clarice and her husband. 

They were to be his most honoured guests behind of course, the bride's family who would be arriving later this day with Maria of Portugal.

"It is wonderful to be back at French court," Clarice replied diplomatically, she would reveal nothing of how she was feeling at this time; it would not be proper of her to do so especially in front of all these people. 

There would be time later for them to speak on other matters, she was here presenting King Henry and to secure a marriage for her younger daughter. 

Filiberta's future relied on her doing well her, there could be none that could deny her breeding and there would be no better march for Lord Charles Bourbon. 

"May I introduce, my Queen. Elisabeth," Francis stated turning to Elisabeth who had remained in her seat, a hand resting upon her swollen belly that housed her second child by the King. 

She was taking every care to ensure her second pregnancy as she had done with Aubert, she adored her boy and she hoped that this one would be as happy and healthy as he was. 

"It is wonderful to meet you, my husband has spoken so fondly of you," Elisabeth said smiling, she knew how important this meeting was to her husband and his regrets for how he had treated Clarice at the orders of Pope Clement. 

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