Chapter Seventy-Eight: Expecting

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11th of April 1535 - Hampton Court Palace

Staring down at the letter that had arrived from Hever Castle, Queen Anne could not help but smile at the news that Clarice had been safely delivered of a son. 

The news was most welcome and Anne did not doubt that it would be news that would cheer her brother up, she did not need a letter from George to know that the last months had not been easy on him. 

Her nephew was a very wanted child, there was no doubting that and Anne knew her father would be the most pleased of all at the arrival of a Boleyn male heir. 

Anne had no doubts that he would not even be disappointed that the boy had not been named for himself; instead, he had been named for her grandfather which Anne was sure was George's doing. 

"We must send our congratulations to the Duchess, the birth of the new Viscount Rochford is something to be celebrated," Anne mused to her ladies, she could not remember the last time that she had seen Clarice. 

The months seemed to have blended into one and Anne had been busy running the kingdom now that she was out of her confinement. 

Her father's decision to retire to the family's countryside estate had been welcomed and Anne was pleased to stand on her own feet, she was careful in her own decisions and actions knowing that making enemies right now would not do. 

"Majesty, the Duke of Richmond is seeking an audience," Madge Shelton stated approaching Anne, she offered a low curtsy to her mistress and glanced back towards the door where the young Duke was waiting.

It was not often that the King's bastard graced Anne's chambers, he had been a great support of the Boleyns especially since taking up a privy council seat in the absence of George. 

Anne nodded her head and set down the letter before turning towards the door, which was opened so that her stepson could enter her presence chambers. 

He was a rather handsome boy, one that Henry was pleased to acknowledge as his own especially when he had waited so long for the birth of a true born son when Katherine had failed to give him one.

"Lady Stepmother," Henry Fitzroy greeted, he bowed low to Anne and nervously glanced to the ladies around the room knowing that what he had come to discuss would likely get him into a lot of trouble. 

However, he was sure that with the Queen's blessing and perhaps a light fine paid to his father-in-law that all would be well. 

"My Lord Richmond," Anne greeted back in kind, she bid him to rise and signalled for him to take a seat by the fire; there was a slight chill in the air and she was sure he would welcome the warmth. 

The Duke did not take her offer of a seat like Anne had expected of him, she raised an eyebrow at him while she seated herself and waited for him to explain. 

The nervous look on his face made Anne nervous and she waited for him to gather his wits while he glanced around the room as if expecting the devil himself to appear and accuse him of something foul. 

"I come seeking your blessing, since my Lord Father is currently aboard," Fitzroy murmured, his voice quiet and his face pale as he faced the Queen; he knew that his future at court rested on what he had to tell her.

It was not something that he had thought would bring him down, he wanted nothing more than to focus on rising at court especially making a name for himself while the court was away with the King. 

"My wife and I are expecting," Fitzroy announced knowing that Anne would understand why he had come to her, he had been forbidden by Norfolk to lie with his wife and get a child from her until he gave the go ahead. 

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