Chapter Sixty-Nine: Princess of England

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4th of January 1535 - Hampton Court Palace

With one final push, Anne gave out a scream as she squeezed Mary's hand and fell back onto her pillows as her baby started to cry. 

It had been a shorter labour than her first two and Anne was relieved for that, she tried to dodge Mary trying to wipe away the sweat from her forehead as she attempted to spot her baby. 

"What is it?" Anne demanded, her heart pounding in her chest and the uneasy that she felt at the lack of joy from her ladies and midwife left her fearing that something was wrong. 

She was sure that she had heard her baby cry, she had felt them move all this time and she did not want to believe that anything had happened that might have cost her, her baby. 

"Your Majesty has given birth to a very healthy baby girl," Madge informed her from across the room, where she was wrapping the baby up in some cloth to keep her warm. 

A messenger had already been sent to announce the birth of the little princess and Madge knew that there would be those who would be disappointed in the news. 

"Give her to me," Anne demanded struggling to sit up and she glanced at Mary, who moved to make sure that her pillows were righted behind her so that she might sit up. 

Madge did as she was instructed carefully handing the princess to Anne, a soft smile on her face as she watched her friend and mistress take her baby daughter in her arms. 

News would have to be sent to the King that he had another daughter, a little princess of England instead of the Duke of York that many had hoped that Anne would deliver. 

However, a healthy child was not to be sniffed at especially considering that Anne's last pregnancy had ended in loss; it was a good sign that Anne could give him more healthy children. 

Staring down at her daughter, Anne felt a small put form in her stomach knowing that Henry would be greatly disappointed that she had not given him a second son like he had so hoped. 

Perhaps her next pregnancy would give him the little Duke of York that he desired but Anne would be contented with her daughter, it would be awhile before she would have to face Henry in person afterall.

Taking in the baby in her arms, Anne admired her and smiled softly as she pondered the name that she would give the child; it had not been discussed what they would name a daughter, only names for sons had been given. 

While her first children had favoured the Tudor red locks that they had gotten from their father, her baby daughter seemed rather fair-haired from what Anne could see from the little fuzz that covered her head. 

Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, Anne ignored the continued silence in her chamber and continued to admire her baby; her sweet little girl that brought her such joy. 

"Beatrice," Anne whispered, the name rolling off her tongue before she could stop herself and she pondered the name; it was down to her to name her daughter since the King was away. 

He would be informed of course, there was no name for a daughter that he had mentioned and Anne could not think of a more deserving name for her daughter. 

It was of French origin and given her time spent in the french court and their current alliance with them, the meaning in latin even gave it's own nod to Anne's original motto.

 'The Most Happy' 

Anne had been when she had courted Henry and had been so when she had married him, now she did not feel so and pondered a new motto for herself. 

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