Chapter Ninety-Six: Return of the King

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5th of February 1536 - Wulfhall, Wiltshire

Staring at the snow falling from her window, Jane Seymour held her rosary in her hands as she moved the beads through her fingers as she pondered how her life was about to change. 

Her heart pounded in her chest and she knew that there was no going back now, the news of Queen Catherine's death had been a devastating blow. 

Especially when she had lost the Queen's support in her mission, she knew that she had to play her cards carefully now when she had so little support for her actions. 

"Jane?" Lady Seymour questioned stepping into her eldest daughter's chambers, a frown on her face as she eyed the dress that her daughter was wearing. 

It was certainly not befitting of Jane's station at court, it looked like something that Queen Anne might wear and the expensive red material only seemed to enhance her daughter's pale complexion. 

A knot formed in Lady Seymour's stomach as she stepped further into the room, she could no longer ignore her eldest daughter's behaviour or the concerns that Elizabeth had laid at her door about where Jane's loyalty might lie. 

"I am quite well lady mother," Jane assured her, her eyes still trained on the courtyard below her window as she waited, she had longed for this moment and it was so close now that she could almost taste it. 

The letter that had arrived only yesterday had confirmed the plans, although Jane had been disappointed that it had not been a letter from Henry but a message passed on by the Duke of Suffolk. 

"Then perhaps you can explain why you have excused yourself from Her Majesty's service? The King will return to court any day now," Lady Seymour asked moving closer to her daughter, a frown decorating her face knowing that her actions would be noticed especially since the death of the Dowager Princess of Wales. 

Surely her daughter was not so much a fool that she did not see how blessed they were to have a relative on the throne that was eager to promote their interests. 

The Boleyns were cousins through Margery's grandmother, it was pleasing to know that her relations were eager to promote not just themselves but other relations to expand their support base.

It was because of Queen Anne that the family had found themselves risen in court, titles and rank were gifted to them because of this connection and it simply would not do in Lady Seymour's mind for her daughter to act in such a way. 

Jane's actions had not gone unnoticed like her daughter had hoped, her sisters at court reported her actions and the letters that she received in secret. 

Edward had even tried to talk some sense into her especially after Catherine's household had been dismissed because of her actions and several ladies had been granted positions at court which Jane had attempted to refuse when she had been selected to serve the Queen. 

"I was in need of a break, the fresh air of home has done me good," Jane replied simply, she didn't dare turn to look at her mother knowing that just one look would reveal the truth. 

Her dislike for the Boleyn harlot was no secret, she would have happily continued to serve Queen Catherine even following her to a convent if needed but her mistress had different plans for her than wasting away in a convent. 

It had all felt like it had been for nothing until the letter that had arrived yesterday, the King's promises to see her even if written by another warmed her heart and gave her hope that the fight was far from over.

Her eyes caught on the sight of several riders entering the courtyard, a smile appearing on her face as she took a deep breath before she turned to face her mother at last. 

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