Chapter Ninety-Five: Rest in Peace

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29th of January 1536 - Peterborough Cathedral

Dressed in black with a veil covering her face, Queen Anne stood silently as she watched the coffin of Catalina of Aragon being lowered into the ground at last; now perhaps she would finally have peace. 

Her funeral had been a quiet affair, with few in attendance that had wanted to attend to say their farewells to the woman; the ceremony had been fit for a Dowager Princess of Wales even if she had scorned such title in life. 

Anne could do no more for her, news had arrived during the embalming process that Henry was on his way back to England; she would not risk her husband's displeasure when their reunion must be a happy one. 

Anne stood beside her father as they watched Catalina's coffin be laid to rest, neither of them saying a word consumed by their own thoughts on the matter. 

It had been discovered during the embalming process that the former Queen had a black growth upon her heart; if such a thing were to be revealed to the public then people would likely assumed that they'd had her poisoned. 

Although Thomas would like to believe that the growth was down to the evil that she had done, a true representation of what sort of person the woman had been. 

Thomas had done his best to ensure that not a word would be breathed about this, he had paid the embalmer handsomely for his service to ensure he would speak to no one of what he had found. 

Once the funeral was done and the coffin interred into the ground where Catalina would rest, Anne moved from her position by the alter as they started to shovel soil into the hole where she was buried. 

Moving back along the aisle, Anne's eyes swept over the gathering who she mostly recognised; she was followed by her father and her ladies as she moved towards the exit of the cathedral. 

"Your Majesty," Eustace Chapuys greeted with a solemn bow towards the English Queen, a look of displeasure of his face at having to call her such a thing but he had been instructed to offer peace to England. 

He was far from pleased to see that Anne herself had come to the funeral, he was certain that Catalina would be rolling around in her new grave if she knew such a thing.

"Ambassador," Anne replied pleasantly, she knew that the ambassador had no great love for her and would have happily seen her take Catalina's place in the ground right now; he had always been such a great supporter of Henry's former wife. 

Even when the Emperor had been forced to cast off his aunt for her actions, Anne and Henry still received reports that the ambassador would occasionally visit Catalina at the convent where she'd been banished or her former estates when she had been housed there. 

"Her Majesty, Queen Isabella, thanks you for the kindness that you have shown her aunt," Chapuys murmured standing to his full height, he kept his face void of any emotion least he offend the Queen of England. 

His mistress was eager to make peace with the countries that her husband had wronged, knowing that Spain was in no position to wage war during this time. 

The title of Emperor would very likely pass to Ferdinand if the rumours where to be believed since the new King Philip was far too young to hold such a title, the election would take place in the next couple of weeks. 

"She hopes that England and Spain might be friends again one day," Chapuys continued to recite the message that he had been asked to deliver, there was still a chance that they could unite England and Spain through marriage again. 

Isabella was still with child, despite fears that the loss of her husband would result in her losing the child that she carried and it was hoped that Anne would give King Henry more children still. 

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