Chapter Forty-Five: The Wedding of Henry Fitzroy

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28th of November 1533 - Chapel Royal, Hampton Court Palace

"Father. Lady Stepmother," Henry Fitzroy greeted with a bow of his head, his eyes moving between the royal couple who presented a united front even in the face of disappointment and speculation. 

It was no secret that the King had spoken greatly of his desire for a second son by the Queen, had been convinced that it would be awarded to them just as they had been rewarded by God when Prince Alexander was born. 

Today, he would be married to Lady Mary Howard who was a cousin to the Queen and the daughter of the Duke of Norfolk; she was a fine match for one such of himself especially with his loss of position. 

Now he was simply the Duke of Richmond and any ideas that he might have had of perhaps one day becoming King of England when his father passed because he had no royal brothers had vanished. 

"My Lord Richmond," King Henry greeted with a nod of his head, his eyes catching on the boy's mother who was also in attendance; he had not seen her in many years since she had been married off. 

It seemed like the years had treated his former mistress well despite the fact that she had lost her husband in the last three years; she had three more beautiful children with her and was now remarried. 

"Our Congratulations on your impending marriage, I am sure Mary shall make you a very happy man," Anne stated knowing that tying Fitzroy to her own family was of great importance, they could not have him become a figurehead anymore than they could allow Lady Mary to be one. 

Anne was doing what she could to ensure that the people looked favourably upon her, making her family strong was important especially so she could weather attacks from all sides. 

Fitzroy nodded his head, in truth he had yet to lie eyes on the bride that his father and stepmother had chosen for him; he had barely been back at court for long instead of at his country estates. 

He rather preferred the quiet there especially while he continued with his studies, he was certain that despite not being heir to the throne that he had a great future ahead of him.

"With both of your blessing I should like to visit Hatfield to greet my royal siblings," Fitzroy stated, he had yet to meet either of his new siblings by the Queen; if he were too remain in their good graces then he would pay his respects to Alexander and Elizabeth. 

He might have lost his Dukedom for Somerset but he could still have a promising career at court; he was the acknowledged bastard of the King. 

"You have our blessing," King Henry stated pleased to see that his son wished to pay his respects to his royal siblings, it was a good sign that Fitzroy was not too upset with the loss of his Dukedom. 

He was still Duke of Richmond afterall and he had a rather comfortable life, he was well cared for because of his royal family and he would likely have a very promising career. 

Fitzroy smiled before allowing his father and stepmother to move towards their seats, his smile disappearing when he was out of sight to them; his eyes moving to focus on his mother who was already seated. 

Bessie Blount had brought George, Robert, and Elizabeth to see their elder brother get married; she had been widowed three years earlier and it was pleasing to her to see her eldest boy married off to a fine match. 

Looking at her sweet boy, she could hardly believe how fast the years had gone and recalled how nervous she had been when she discovered that she was pregnant by the King. 

At the time she had been a lady-in-waiting to the false Queen and she had been worried about her reputation; she had been unmarried when her son had been born and she was lucky to have her son recognised. 

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